Sonic Lost World Wii U software update is a real game changer!
In a rare occurrence, Sonic Team and SEGA have released a software update for the Wii U version of Sonic Lost World that will not only fix some bugs, but will also significantly affect gameplay. The SEGA Blog made the announcement that the new patch will go live soon, and check out the changes and additions they’re making to the game:
Gameplay Updates:
• Collecting 100 rings will now grant the player an extra life.
• In the event of a Game Over, we have doubled the amount of lives the player will begin with when continuing. (From 5 to 10)
• The Indigo Asteroid, Crimson Eagle, Orange Rocket, and Black Bomb Color Powers can now be controlled using the analog stick and buttons.
• Fixed a rare graphical issue that would sometimes appear during the pinball section of the Frozen Factory casino area.Additional Updates:
• When completing the NiGHTMARE DLC, users will be notified that they can re-play it after scoring 100,000 points.
• Items will now appear on the world map.
Those that read my review of the game may remember I noted that the wisps felt forced, as though Sonic Team was making use of the GamePad because they had to, not because it improved the gameplay. However, Controlling many of the wisps with the analog stick and buttons may just fix this issue I had with the game, or at the very least make the wisps easier to control. Another biggie is the 100 rings earns a life addition, a gameplay rule that has been in effect since the series began and was found by many to be an odd omission. Once the update goes live, we’ll update the review accordingly.