Yakuza Kenzan could get a Kiwami remake teases producer

Let’s start this article with a big old Tim Taylor grunt because we got Yakuza Kenzan back in the news. If you never heard of this Yakuza series spin-off, its a samurai themed Yakuza game that features characters from historical Japan’s Edo period and follows legendary samurai Miyamoto Musashi (played by Kiryu of course).

In an event in Taipei, Yakuza producer Daisuke Sato was there to celebrate the release of Yakuza 5 PS4 port over in China, which now means the whole Yakuza main series has been released in the region (when are we getting those Yakuza PS4 ports?). At this event people got to ask questions about the future of the franchise.

The following questions were brought up about a possible future Kiwami style remakes. Via Siliconera:


SEGA News Bits: SEGA Survey Asks About Yakuza Kenzan & Ishin Localizations?

With the recent release of Yakuza Kiwami 2, came a brand new survey asking fans what they wanted to see for the future of the franchise. We go over the important questions of the survey on this episode of the SEGA News Bits. What are your thoughts on the possibility of Yakuza Kenzan and Yakuza Ishin making it over to the West? Any other spinoffs that deserve attention?

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SEGA survey asks fans if they want remasters of Yakuza Ishin and Yakuza Kenzan

If you guys missed the official SEGA Survey for Yakuza: Kiwami 2, you should probably give it a spin because it suggests that the company is considering Yakuza remasters of its Samurai spin-off games Yakuza Ishin and Yakuza Kenzan.

As you know SEGA already announced that they are porting or ‘remastering’ Yakuza 3 through 5 on the PlayStation 4. We already know that Yakuza 3 just released and it topped the sales charts in Japan. The latest spin-off on here, Yakuza: Ishin! came out in 2014 while Yakuza Kenzan came out way back in 2008.

Here are the questions from the survey:

The SEGA Five: Best SEGA games on Playstation 3

Today is the launch day for the Playstation 4 in America, many people are grabbing up the ‘next generation’ consoles and soon Playstation 3 will be a relic like the Playstation 2 before it. So I think its the perfect time to remember SEGA’s best Playstation 3 games. This is my personal list, if you want to share your favorites let us know in the comment section!