Platinum Games teases Bayonetta Amiibo


Have you ever wanted a Bayonetta amiibo figure? Well, Platinum Games just teased a Bayonetta amiibo they have been working on for Bayonetta 2’s second year anniversary. This also goes with the fact that Bayonetta was also featured in Super Smash Bros Wii U & 3DS. According to Bayonetta 2 director Yusuke Hashimoto, the above picture is all they can show us due to the team still working on getting her just right.

“I’m afraid that this little taste is all I can give you right now, since we’re still working hard to get her just right. But I assure you that we’re going to capture everything you know and love about Bayonetta – every detail down to the exact sizes of her glasses and eyes – and bring you an amiibo that’ll meet your every expectation.” – Yusuke Hashimoto (Director Bayonetta 2)

What do you think about the Bayonetta amiibo and is this a character you would like to add to your growing collection? Let us know in the comments below. Bayonetta 2 came out in Japan on September 20, 2014, while everyone outside of Japan got it towards the end of October 2014. All I can say is, my body is ready for Bayonetta 3 (too soon?).

You can find two instances of Japanese text in Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse

shin megami tensei iv: apocalypse japanese text

Oh no! Word has gotten out that there exists an instance in Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse where you can run into the original, untouched Japanese text. The situation can occur during a late game battle only where a dialogue choice is given and if your partner is knocked out when that comes up. The chances of both requirements being met for this to occur are pretty slim, so it appears Atlus testers did not catch the text before the game was manufactured.

Atlus USA has been quick to apologize for the untranslated text and found one additional spot upon a thorough search. Of course, some people will use any opportunity to complain, and at least one GameFAQs poster has.

In a forum post titled “The game costs an extra $10 and it has no quality checking (MAJOR SPOILERS),” he posts a picture of the Japanese dialogue and berates Atlus. “Good job, Atlus. You couldn’t even bother to make sure that everything was translated.”

Usually I scoff at anyone who insists that gamers are entitled, but in this instance I think it applies well. There are huge projects exponentially larger than Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse with crazy budgets that ship with absolutely game-breaking or more horrendous bugs all of the time. This falls under a fairly benign issue that can easily be overcome by using a web search to find out what the correct English text should be.

Atlus has pledged to look into a possibility of correcting the errors somehow, whether it be possibly patching the game, changing the eShop version, or adjusting future shipments of the game in some manner. It’s also possible Nintendo will make doing any of these things nearly impossible due to their archaic systems, so I wouldn’t hold your breath for it.

I do have an easy solution to this problem in the meantime. If you don’t suck, you’ll never encounter it.

Review: Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse (3DS)

shin megami tensei iv: apocalypse review

Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse is not quite a sequel, side story, or even an expansion to the well-received Shin Megami Tensei IV.

If you took the movie Die Hard and filmed a What If ending showcasing what could happen if Reginald VelJohnson’s character Sgt. Al Powell had infiltrated the Nakatomi Plaza instead of waiting on the sidelines, then you would find yourself in a similar situation. Shin Megami Tensei IV: Apocalypse uses this What If scenario to fine-tune the gameplay from its predecessors and treat players to a very satisfying RPG for the Nintendo 3DS.

SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive Japanese game ‘Dahna: Megami Tanjou’ gets English fan translation

All the way back in the year 1991 a small developer known as Information Global Service released a action-platformer game for the SEGA Mega Drive known as Dahna: Megami Tanjou. Sadly the game never made it out of Japan, now a fan has went and translated Dahna: Megami Tanjou to English. While its nice to play the game with English text, I don’t find it a big deal considering Dahna: Megami Tanjou didn’t have much text to begin with and was fully playable in Japanese. It’s still nice of course.

Download English Patch Here

(You will need a Japanese Rom & LunarIPS)

Above you can watch 28 minutes of Dahna: Megami Tanjou gameplay and see if its for you. RetroCollects describes it as a hybrid mix between Castlevania, Rastan and Golden Axe; if those games are up your alley you should give it a go.

[Via: RetroCollect]

Yakuza 6 to be free of loading screens

Yakuza-6_2016_07-26-16_003While recently talking to IGN,  Yakuza 6 producer Toshihiro Nagoshi said he really hoped gamers would appreciate all the work that went into making the gameplay experience seamless by cutting out loading screens. This is something that the team has always struggled with, but gotten better as the series progressed. It seems that Yakuza 6 will take out those pesky loading screens (and not just hide them).

“We’ve worked hard to make this game completely seamless. You can engage in the central adventure, get into battles, watch drama scenes, and go back to the adventure, all without any loading screens. Go into any building or any room or any floor without loading.” – Toshihiro Nagoshi, Yakuza 6 Producer

Of course this is all thanks to the new Yakuza 6 engine that was built for the PlayStation 4 hardware. If you didn’t already guess it, Nagoshi claims that the power of the PlayStation 3 kept them from achieving this. I don’t know if I personally buy that, considering how there have been many open world games without noticeable loading released last generation. Yakuza 6 comes out in Japan on December 8, 2016.

SEGA announces acquisition of Technosoft’s IPs

002SEGA has announced that they have acquired Technosoft’s library of video game IPs, which makes sense since they announced earlier today that they will be adding Technosoft’s Thunder Force III to the new SEGA 3D Archives volume. Now we know that the reason for this is the fact that SEGA has acquired Technosoft’s games. But what have they made? Not too much that is overly popular these days, especially in America. I would say Thunder Force is their most well known franchise.

Some of Technosoft’s franchises:

  • Thunder Force (AGAIN!)
  • Herzog Zwei
  • Elemental Master
  • Hyper Reverthion

SEGA did say during the SEGA 3D Archives stage show that they are looking into reprinting Thunder Force IV, V and even Herzog Zwei. So now SEGA adds another lump sum of Japanese IPs to its already full belt line, what do you think of this news?

[Via: 4Gamer]

Tokyo Game Show 2016: Valkyria: Azure Revolution story trailer

Tokyo Game Show 2016 revealed a new trailer for Valkyria: Azure Revolution, the latest installment in the Valkyria franchise by Media.Vision and SEGA. This trailer focuses on the story of Valkyria: Azure Revolution, with the story being about a nation discovering a special material called Ragnite, the source of “Magic Arts” that brought many blessings to the world, creating the titular “Azure Revolution”. But this revolution would come at a cost, as the Rus Empire gains rapid industrial and societal expansion, creating a monopoly in European territories.

The only thing that can stop the Rus Empire is Jutland, a small economically blockaded country that strives for independence from the colonel rule. The trailer highlights varies characters you will encounter along the way, such as the protagonists Ophelia and Amleth, The Circle of Five (Aka Five Grand Criminals), and the Valkyria Brunhild. However no gameplay is shown.

Valkyria: Azure Revolution will release on the PS4 on January 19, 2017 in Japan.

First footage of Space Channel 5 VR: Ukiuki Viewing Show surfaces

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Fans anticipating an engaging and entertaining game from the recent exhibition of Space Channel 5 VR: Ukiuki Viewing Show at Tokyo Game Show 2016 might want to throttle their expectations of the experience. At least for now.

This footage (from twitter user @mutedpsyborg) of a woman interacting with the VR game reveals that players simply flail their arms about while Ulala and the morolians do their thing on-screen. It’s a bit disappointing, as the HTC Vive’s controllers definitely offer the opportunity to emulate the classic Space Channel 5 experience by mimicking the game’s commands.

Perhaps this apparent marketing stunt was simply to gauge interest in the franchise currently or the possibility of a truly interactive Space Channel 5 VR game. Fan attention on social media since it’s announcement has shown there’s definitely some level of excitement about the possibility, but Sega and company need to actually deliver a compelling experience if they pursue it.

As of this time, no formal announcement has been made about the future of Space Channel 5 VR: Ukiuki Viewing Show.

SEGA almost made a Yakuza game set outside of Japan

AmericaKiryuOne of the reasons we here at SEGAbits love the Yakuza series is due to its wacky look at Japanese culture, that is totally unique to what game developers have been doing in the last 15 years. But according to Toshihiro Nagoshi, the team did think about making a Yakuza game set outside of Japan:

“We have considered it, because there was a feeling that we’d like the Yakuza series to be better known overseas. But the idea disappeared right away. The series was originally intended to target Japanese players, and so setting it overseas would conflict with that original concept, and the popularity of the series within Japan might decline as a result. Also, in terms of marketing, there was concern about the global appeal of a Japanese main character anyway. So it seemed to be tricky.” – Toshihiro Nagoshi, Producer Yakuza series 

During the IGN Japan interview with Toshihiro Nagoshi, he did mention that that the team gets more comments from players overseas as the franchise grows and that they do pay attention. He admitted that the player base in the West is rather small, at around 100,000 consumers which is bigger than I assumed. Even tho Nagoshi teases about a Yakuza game set outside of Japan, it seems that if that were to happen, it would be centered around China since that market seems to have grown rapidly in the last few years. According to Nagoshi, the Asian market increased its sales from a few percentages of total sold games to about 20% of sales for the franchise’s last game (Yakuza 0). That is quite the rise, especially for a more Japanese focused game.

Personally, I’m not interested in a Yakuza game set outside of Japan, but what are your thoughts on the matter? What country would you like to see Kazuma Kiryu travel to? Let us know in the comments below!

SEGAbits at Tokyo Game Show 2016 Preview: Ryū ga Gotoku 6 / Yakuza 6


In SEGA’s latest installment in its long running Yakuza series, a lot is riding on giving the series protagonist Kazuma Kiryu a strong send off. To accomplish that, Ryu Ga Gotoku Studio has made a string of changes and brought back a host of ex-characters to give the legendary gangster one last, great, final adventure. Reporting live from Tokyo Game Show for SEGAbits, I’m ready to share my hands-on impressions with Ryū ga Gotoku 6. Hit the break to find out more.

Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown playable on Xbox One via backwards compatibility

Screenshot_031We know that PlayStation 4 will get a playable version of Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown as its part of Yakuza 6, but Xbox One owners will now be able to play their Xbox 360 version of Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown thanks to Xbox One’s backwards compatibility feature. Confirmed by Major Nelson, Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown should work today thanks to the new update.

We still haven’t seen tests, but hopefully this gets a few new people playing the game since its basically dead online. But hey, what are your thoughts? Personally feel that if I get a Xbox One, i’ll be spending lots of time playing Xbox 360 games and not sure if that is a good thing.

SEGA News Bits: Sonic Mania Collector’s Edition Announced – Reaction

Hot on the heels of the announcement of a Sonic Mania Collector’s Edition for PS4, Xbox One, and PC, Barry and George share their excitement and opinions on the set in a new SEGA News Bits. What’s included? What’s not? Will fans in Europe be seeing it? These questions and more are discussed! The elephant in the room – that being the lack of a physical disc release – is also discussed. What are your thoughts on the  Sonic Mania Collector’s Edition? Which platform are you going for? Sound off in the comments below.

If you enjoy our SEGA News Bits segments and want to encourage more of them, make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Tokyo Game Show 2016: 15+ minutes of live gameplay for Yakuza 6

Yakuza 6 at the SEGA stage from Tokyo Game Show 2016 was given a roughly 15 minute demo showing off the game. The demo hosted by Saki Akai and Yokoyama Masayoshi explore miscellaneous aspects of Yakuza 6, including varies phone options, exercising at the gym, exploring the city, and of course being the living crap out of enemies. It doesn’t reveal a lot of new information, but it gives a small impression of what Yakuza 6 is for those that are still unfamiliar with the game.

Yakuza 6 releases on the PS4 on December 8th, 2016 in Japan. Meanwhile for those outside of Japan, you can try out the prequel Yakuza 0 coming out on January 24th 2017 if you want to get associated with the franchise before jumping to Yakuza 6 later on.

Tokyo Game Show 2016: New Puyo Puyo Chronicles trailer

SEGA at Tokyo Game Show 2016 reveals a new Puyo Puyo Chronicles trailer that talks about varies aspects of the game. Featuring talent Misako Uno and Chiaki Ito, it talks about its RPG elements, collecting items, battling, “Skill Battles,” gaining experience points, co-op gameplay, and other details. While it technically doesn’t reveal a lot of new information, it does reveal the returning Puyo Puyo SUN mode from Puyo Puyo 20th Anniversary that’s based on Puyo Puyo SUN and Mission Puyo that’s loosely based on the past Nazo Puyo spin-offs. It also briefly teases a mysterious dark crystal ball near the end, and (adorably) shows off Uno and Ito in the signature Puyo Puyo art style.

Puyo Puyo Chronicles will release exclusively on the Nintendo 3DS on December 8th 2016 in Japan.