Phantasy Star Online 2 alpha version hints at English localization

You know SEGA, if you just leave hints in the code, we SEGA nerds are going to end up finding it. Remember all the stuff found out from the Sonic Generations demo? You know your fans are going to be checking every single line of code for hints of exclusive information. Well, here is some that might make you smile.

Here’s some localization info:

Between Alpha 1 to Alpha 2 they added the Title screen in different language directories, here is a list:

Take a wild guess on what those stand for.

Each of these contains the title screen textures, here is the JP one:

Here is the EN one:

Things to note:
All the ones except JP seem to be outdated, they have since moved the “Press Enter” somewhere else. Which is also now called “Push Enter Key.”
The EN one has the Japanese below PSO2 removed. (On the big one.)
All the other language files are mostly the same to the EN one, but they still keep the JP text under all the PSO2s, only small difference in some of them is that the ©Sega is colored a bit differently.

While they obviously haven’t made much progress localizing it they have already made directories and files for those languages, quite safe for me to say they are planning to localize to those.

By Vashyron via PSO-World forums.

He continues in this post.

Right. Forgot to post this, more Localization stuff:

There is also 2 different opening movie files for the Sega logo. (JP & US)

Differently colored as they have been for the regions in the past.

You can see the usual difference of the logos on their sites: &

Well here’s PSO2’s, JP:



Again, it could be planned for US release and SEGA West could decide its not worth the effort and money bringing it over. But who wouldn’t want PSO2 in English?

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13 responses to “Phantasy Star Online 2 alpha version hints at English localization

  1. ShadiNeko says:

    if SEGA japan localizes it themselves then SEGA West won’t even have to spend any money on it. Could be purely digital distribution based.

    I’m guessing it’s going to be like PSOBB where the client doesn’t cost any money, since all the gameplay would be online with a monthly fee.

    • ezodagrom says:

      I don’t think SOJ are going to be handling the localization, most likely the localization stuff found in the PSO2 files are just placeholders, but in the client itself there’s a language setting.
      The only option so far is just japanese, but it probably means they’re at least thinking about releasing the game in other languages.

  2. KenzenCrese says:

    I would love for this to hit the west cause I have been following it for a bit now, played Zero before it hit the west and this is looking to be good for anybody who like PSO

  3. pso2love says:

    SEGA OF AMERICA, we know, that you know, that we want Phantasy Star Online 2 here in the United States, thanks to Aaron Weber. Do not start another Yakuza 3 here in the states! You know very well what I’m referring to. We have been waiting for 11+ years for Phantasy Star Online to return back to it’s roots. Do not screw this up, SEGA!
    PSO fans of North America

  4. CrazyTails says:

    Good stuff

  5. Emmett The Crab says:


  6. Barry the Nomad says:

    I’ve held off on getting hyped for PSO2 just because I know it’s coming, but not for a while.

    Though I am hyped to hear about a Vita release. I’d prefer that to playing it on the computer. However 360/PS3 would be the ideal.

    • Emmett The Crab says:

      Isn’t there some way to play the Vita on your TV or through the PS3? That would be about as good as playing it on a console.

  7. PAPI MAGNUM says:

    Is there a known official reason why Japan uses the pretty light blue logo and the US uses the dark one?

  8. xDGxMerkuleSx says:

    From what i have read PSO2 has been confirmed for Free to Play. with in-game purchasing of certain items and equipment costing real money, that is their plan to get the money to keep the servers up. but i have no knowledge of the EN release 🙁 i will learn japanese if i have to…

    a BIG PS fan

  9. PSO2 ワクワク says:

    living in Japan so not sure if outside JP ip addys can join? / in the beta / psyched / guides have english / Hope it goes global FAST! over a decade of waiting … SEGA dont burn ur past and future worldwide fans!!!

  10. Potatoes says:

    It’s also been pretty decently hinted that an English version will be released before this Winter, in case anyone wants to know approximately how long they’ll be waiting

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