Wii U version of Aliens: Colonial Marines officially cancelled


Though it shouldn’t come as such an unexpected move given the universally negative reception Gearbox’s Aliens effort has received thusfar, there’s still something fairly surprising about SEGA, through a vague statement to IGN, announcing the Wii U version’s cancellation after all this time.

SEGA can confirm that the Wii U sku of Aliens: Colonial Marines is no longer in development.”

Maybe it’s because this was, as some of you may remember, said by Randy Pitchford on multiple occasions to be the definitive console version of the title, though its quiet cancellation lends far more credibility to recent rumors that it was actually the worst. Maybe it’s because it’s rare to see a game that’s spent this long in development being given the axe, for any reason.

We may never fully know why the Wii U version won’t be seeing the light of day, though I suppose it isn’t too hard to speculate. Regardless, it’s been a game that’s played such a major role in SEGA’s identity throughout its protracted development, and if nothing else, this cancellation serves as a final and symbolic closing chapter in the Aliens: Colonial Marines saga.

Here’s hoping that better decisions are made in the future, from all parties involved in this project.

bj eoYAd:

6 responses to “Wii U version of Aliens: Colonial Marines officially cancelled

  1. betablocker says:

    I would still like Sega West to get their head out of it’s ass and sue GearBox.

  2. Ben says:

    Though I agree that Gearbox should receive some sort of punishment for the game we’ve had here, lawsuits are expensive and I’m not sure that Sega has much of a case.

    As publishers and owners of the IP, they had creative control over it….so I’d think most courts would wonder why Sega didn’t simply exercise that control instead of letting a broken game go through years of development only to be released incomplete.

  3. Hitrax says:

    Great news imo.
    It seems Sega are still not aggressive enough as they used to be in the MegaDrive days, and this is why they’ve never been as big since.
    For Gods sake, they can’t even get their marketing right, never mind game production.

  4. Joon says:

    Sega’s not looking particularly good at the moment with a really good line up, been a couple of years since we last seen that.
    Still they’ve been doing good financially haven’t they? What with buying Relic’s most expensive assets, and now owning Company of Heroes and 40,000 Warhammer ect.

    Does anyone know the best site to get their official sales figures from? And how much money it cost Sega to fund and what they gained back.

  5. Ben says:

    Usually that data’s revealed (to some extent) in Sega’s financial reports, which we usually report on here at SEGAbits. Not sure how often they’re released though.

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