More titles announced for the Mega Drive Mini and SEGA Genesis Mini, including World of Illusion, Earthworm Jim, Super Fantasy Zone, and more!

SEGA has announced more titles coming to the SEGA Genesis Mini and the Mega Drive Mini. A total of 10 more games have been announced separately between the North America/Europe lineup and the Japanese lineup; 6 shared between the two lineups, 3 exclusive to the western consoles, 4 exclusives for the Japanese console, and the previously announced Sonic the Hedgehog 2 being confirmed to appear on the western consoles. Arguably the most notable titles to note here are the Disney titles Castle of Illusion and World of Illusion, as it confirms some licensed titles will also appear in the SEGA Genesis Mini selection.

[Source: SEGA of America website, Famitsu]

Click below for a full list of confirmed titles.

All versions

  • Streets of Rage 2
  • Landstalker
  • Thunder Force III
  • Super Fantasy Zone
  • Contra Hard Corps
  • World of Illusion Starring Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse
  • Sonic the Hedgehog 2

North America/Europe

  • Shinobi III
  • Earthworm Jim
  • Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse


  • Aleste M.U.S.H.A.
  • The Hybrid Front
  • Dyna Brothers 2
  • Game Kanzume Otokuyou
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23 responses to “More titles announced for the Mega Drive Mini and SEGA Genesis Mini, including World of Illusion, Earthworm Jim, Super Fantasy Zone, and more!

  1. Still no sign of Sonic the Hedgehog 3. But hopefully the variety of games that are going to be on the Genesis Mini will bring in sales. Maybe even beating out the PlayStation Mini.
    Im currently saving my money for a new phone and tickets to the Sonic movie, and even though I have no intentions on buying the Genesis Mini, I will be waiting patiently for the Dreamcast Mini.

    • Fat Frog says:

      What ? You’ll buy tickets for Sonic the movie and not the megadrive mini ?

      The announced games are absolute dope !

    • Eccles says:

      People need to seriously shut the hell up about Sonic 3, it’s never going to happen due to licence issues with the soundtrack, get over it, it’s not Sega’s problem.

      Also, there will be no Dreamcast mini or Saturn mini unless people buy into the Mega Drive mini and promote it, that’s how business works.

    • Eccles says:

      *And it’s worth it considering this is the first new official SEGA home hardware console since the Dreamcast.

  2. RushDawg says:

    This is amazing! Super Fantasy Zone didn’t get a US Genesis release back in the day. Contra Hard Corps is an amazing inclusion and the Mini might let you switch to the superior Japanese version.

    The licensed Disney games are huge too.

    Here’s hoping we get Quackshot and Rocket Knight Adventures.

    Honestly, they’ve only announced half of the 40 games so far and I already feel like this system is “worth it”.. Can’t wait to see what else SEGA has up their sleeve.

  3. theXRC says:

    I haven’t been this excited about something video game related since the Dreamcast. SEGA is listening to fans, putting love into this mini, (how did they get the Disney license?) and doing everything Sony didn’t, and more than Nintendo did concerning a mini console.

    As long as M2 does their normal great work and the system is solid, this is going to be the new standard for mini systems.

  4. I_Miss_Sega_of_Old says:

    This… is actually really good. I may throw money at it.

  5. anon says:

    Thunder Force 3… rather have 4, personally, 3 aged really badly, but given the whole LIGHTENING FORCE crap I’m sure this has to do with licensing. Also MUSHA not being international is sad.
    I know that Aleste series are big in japan, but MUSHA got localized so why the hell not? It’s a great game.

    Don’t personally care for the Disney games or Overratedworm Jim, rather get actual good games than generic platformers, but that’s just me.

    • RushDawg says:

      SEGA owns the Thunder Force IP (and recently released Lightening Force on Switch), so it’s not a licensing issue, just a choice. There’s still 20 games left to announce so there’s a decent chance TF4 will be on the mini too.

      Personally, I think TF3 is much better than 4. It has a much more gentle difficulty to it and still looks and sounds great.

    • Deefy says:

      Regarding MUSHA, I’m sorry too…

  6. Sestren RK'd says:

    I’m actually impressed with the recent announcement. The first ten games had some expected titles and some surprises as well. Seeing the two Disney titles is a nice surprise, even though I didn’t get into those titles in particular, I know they’re going to strike a chord with those who played those games as kids. I would’ve preferred Quackshot myself. Still great to see a lot of the other games that haven’t been released in ages. As others have mentioned, I’m also kind of surprised that they went with Thunder Force III instead of IV.

    Curious how the rest of this plays out. I’m at least expecting Kid Chameleon, Ristar and one of the Golden Axe, Vectorman and Phantasy Star games.

    I’m hoping Sega will reconsider the controllers, which I don’t see happening, but I’d be down with them selling the 6-button controllers separately. But you know some third party company is going to sell 6-button controllers anyway.

    They would kill it if they announced Sonic 3 & Knuckles as the last title. Still keeping my fingers crossed.

    • theXRC says:

      I totally get what you are saying, really. I may be a bit older than some people here. I got my SMS as a choice over NES in summer of ‘87 at 11 years old. I got my Genesis on Xmas Eve ‘89. I actually prefer the three button controllers. I’ve never had a problem with using a+b or b+c as extra options and SEGA is trying to harken nostalgia and do it right. But Sonic is tired to me. And I also thought Disney games were silly in the early 90’s. But now at 42 years old I realize a good solid game cannot be overlooked. Funny I’m willing to play them as a middle aged man than a know-it-all early teen.

    • Deefy says:

      Yup, I bought the six buttons very late, and practically never used it.

      The controller that I used most effectively was the fantastic Arcade Power Stick!!!

    • Deefy says:

      On the subject of titles, Yosuke Okunari, the main curator of the selection, expressed himself in these terms:

      “I would have chosen many more niche games, so much so that the range would have been unbalanced towards semi-unknown series. Later I turned to more ‘representative’ games”.

      Obviously these are my words, but the gist of his interview is in line with my interpretation.

    • Centrale says:

      Maybe they can sneak in a few as hidden unlockable games.

    • Deefy says:

      let’s hope!

    • Eccles says:

      People really need to stop talking about Sonic 3 and Knuckles, it’s not SEGA’s problem, it’s a soundtrack licence issue, why can’t people get that through their thick skills and understand things from a business perspective instead of just an ignorant fan one.

    • Eccles says:

      People really need to stop talking about Sonic 3 and Knuckles, it’s not SEGA’s problem, it’s a soundtrack licence issue, why can’t people get that through their thick skulls and understand things from a business perspective instead of just an ignorant fan one.

  7. Deefy says:

    SEGA always & forever does what Nintendon’t


  8. Eccles says:

    *And it’s worth it considering this is technically the first official new Sega home hardware release since the Dreamcast.

  9. Laurence J. Nguyen says:

    With the first 20 games announced for the Genesis Mini, I’m actually impressed with it so far. It’s a bummer that MUSHA is only available on the Mega Drive Mini in both Japan and Asia, considering how rare and expensive the game is and whatnot. Also with noting that Outrun 2019 & Sword of Vermilion will be exclusive in Asia for the Mega Drive Mini. I cannot wait for the next half of the lineup, whatever games will be on there, at least.

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