SEGA has released some new Resonance of Fate themes in Japan, first up are the PS3 ones. Sadly, they are not dynamic themes, just premium. Meaning it has a static wallpaper and custom icons. There are 2 versions, one called A-Type that features 1 out of the 5 characters from the game and its own icons that have a sort of broken glass look. B-Type is all Reanbell and that theme is shown above.
Hit the jump to see the rest of the themes, including the Xbox 360 premium themes.
The platinum themes for the PS3 will cost you ¥300 each, below we have the Xbox 360 premium themes, each one will run you 250 MS points each.
[Source: AndriaSang]
Shit, the guy who made the images has my Akira Yuki gamerpic.
The Reanbell one just makes me wish this was a new set of Bayonetta themes too.
Howdy awesome text, Really rather mind-blowingthat web page!
12dietboost users no-charge kickboxing @ Gravesend? l just started twentysix days ago!