I guess Hideki Kamiya, director of Bayonetta, has never heard about rule 34 because he is shocked that someone would make pornography based on Bayonetta.
It seems there’s pornorgraphic doujinshi based off Bayonetta… There are fans who will resent that, and I hardly think those responsible [for the doujinshi] hold any love for the game…
Kind sir, it has been out ever since you showed off the game in 2008. That is what happens when you put a sexy female in your game.
[Source: Gamegrep]
That is what happens when you design a pornographic character.
I hope he's not actually shocked that his sexually objectified character is being sexually objectified by its fans.
And before anyone gets upset at me, remember: This is the character who strips naked in front of the camera and has slow motion zoom-in shots on her crotch.
So yeah. I don't get why he'd speak out against the doujin when they're only slightly more sexual than playing the actual game.
<blockquote cite="comment-862">
And before anyone gets upset at me, remember: This is the character who strips naked in front of the camera and has slow motion zoom-in shots on her crotch.So yeah. I don’t get why he’d speak out against the doujin when they’re only slightly more sexual than playing the actual game.
You have not played it yet, your view does not count.
Do want?
Artistic bastardization is bad, no matter how hipocritical or ironic Kamiya might be.
Bayonetta/Seaman cross over title at E3.
<blockquote cite="comment-870">
Bayonetta/Seaman cross over title at E3.
Seaonetta or Bayman?
[img ]http://i40.tinypic.com/242y6uq.jpg[/img]
<blockquote cite="comment-874">
I'd read that, but I think it would call for capital punishment in this side of the hemisphere.
<blockquote cite="comment-864">
You have not played it yet, your view does not count.
I don't make it a habit to play bad sexploitation games.:P
<blockquote cite="comment-876">
I don’t make it a habit to play bad sexploitation games.<!– s:P –><img src="http://www.segabits.com/forums//images/smilies/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz"><!– s:P –>
How about good sexploitation games like Bayonetta?
You never have any problem trying to find a way to corrupt childrens games like Sonic into something 'sexual'.
There are too many things I don't like that much about Bayonetta (the game) that would need to be changed before I'd be willing to label it a really good game. And no, changing the main character to a male wouldn't be enough.
I'm talkin' big design overhauls.
Gameplay wise Bayonetta is fantastic for its genre… You can change up the gameplay plenty of ways with different weapons and items to equipt that change a bunch of settings.
You are WRONG!
<blockquote cite="comment-876">
I don’t make it a habit to play bad sexploitation games.<!– s:P –><!– s:P –>
If you played it you would know that is not the case at all.
Bayonetta is more of an action game that should feel empowering to female players. The character knows she is the coolest character around and she shows off. I am sure if you were attractive, cool and could kick a lot of ass you would want to as well. The only sexualization there is in the game is made as a joke, and most are around a male character, but of course you refuse to even check out anything about it so how would you know?
I honestly think you would love the game, it fits everything you like so well, but because you refuse to play it for reasons you will not admit or things you assume, you will never know, and that is sad.