Vanquish demo coming September 2nd

It seems that the Vanquish demo has been confirmed for PSN and Xbox Live on September 2nd. Only issue? Its for the Japanese store only, that this has been confirmed.

Not a big issue seeing as the game does not seem to have that much dialogue. Get your Japanese accounts ready!

[Source: Gamespot Japan]

UPDATE: The Sega Europe blog has just announced that the demo will hit XBLA and PSN on 31st August for North America, across Europe on 1st September and Australia on 2nd September. Check out the SEGA Europe Blog for the full description of the demo’s contents.

[Source: SEGA Europe Blog]

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3 responses to “Vanquish demo coming September 2nd

  1. Wow! That is so soon! I keep forgetting that Vanquish is only a few months away.

  2. SOUP says:

    Finally another use for that Japanese PSN account. Can't wait to actually try this game out.

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