SEGA MEGA Sale discounts PSN, XBLA & iOS games up to 70% off

SEGA will be having a ‘SEGA MEGA’ sale starting December 21st. They stated that the games will be from XBLA, PSN and of course iOS devices (don’t they always get sales?), discounts will be up to 70%. That is a nice savings

SEGA has 20 games lined up for the holiday sale, but we won’t find out what they are till December 21st. Bummer. Here is a link to their Facebook event for the sale. Sucks, I already own all the titles I want from XBLA/PSN.

[Source: SEGA]


One response to “SEGA MEGA Sale discounts PSN, XBLA & iOS games up to 70% off

  1. AshleyAshes says:

    I love XBLA but I think the only Sega game (Other than the Genesis games which I have on a disc compilation) is Sonic Adventure. I wasn't interested enough to pay 800/1200MSP for it.

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