Yakuza of the End has forklifts, start Shenmue nostalgia

Seems that the Yakuza development team is showing some Shenmue love by giving players the ability to drive a forklift in the zombie filled city in their upcoming Playstation 3 exclusive.

The forklift was listed in the latest Famitsu magazine, which listed a bunch of other vehicles a player could use. This included tanks, armored cars and bulldozers. So maybe a forklift is the least badass of the vehicles announced.

It has also been confirmed that crazy Goro Majima will be able to use a flame thrower, chainsaw and rail gun. Each character will have their own unique weapons.

[Source: Siliconera]

Official Nintendo Magazine teases sidekick character for Sonic 4: Ep 2

UK’s Official Nintendo Magazine has put up a preview for Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2. The preview was posted over in the Sonic Stadium forums, no scans as of right now. They did say that one of’ Sonic’s old side kicks will come back, most likely being Tails. But they also said this:

“Other than that, we’d expect more of the same from Episode II. More loops, more speed, more proper old-school Sonic physics and more awesome fake Mega Drive music complete with rubbish drum samples. Just the way we like it.”

Hard for me to take a magazine seriously that thought the first game had ‘proper old-school Sonic physics’. It didn’t. Unless they meant this new one had ‘more proper’ old-school physics, but I doubt that. Word for word preview after the jump.

[Via: TSSZnews]

Virtual-On Force confirmed region free, also in English

Hardcore SEGA fans with a 360 rejoice, you can import the Virtual-On Force if you really want to, since it has just been confirmed that it is region free, not only that it comes in English.

Play-Asia has the import friendly games, even a cheaper Asia version if you don’t want to shell out a ton of money for the Japanese edition. SEGA West has not announced a release over here and I doubt we will get one.

[Source: Siliconera]

SEGA Studios Australia working on multiplatform sports title

[Pictured: SEGA Studios Australia’s Kim Sellentin]

GameSauce recently had a behind the scenes look at SEGA’s Kim Sellentin’s job over at SEGA Studios Australia, where she produces titles. I always thought the only studio SEGA had in Australia was Creative Assembly branch that did Stormrise. Regardless, in the new article it confirmed that the team is doing a multiplatform sports title.

This means it will be on consoles, unless they mean ‘Mac & PC’ as multiplatform. We will have to see what sport they take on, just hope it isn’t something like Kinect Sports or something.

[Source: GameSauce]

Pier Solar is a new RPG for the SEGA Genesis

Pier Solar started off life in 2004 in an internet forum, flash forward to now and its a full fledge game. In the game you play as Hoston, a young botanist who has to save his father from a illness. The game uses 64 meg cart, if you didn’t know, that is some intense power and is the biggest Genesis cart ever.

You can order the game via its official website.

The game has already gone into re-print due to overwhelming fan demand. It looks pretty good and I might order a copy for myself soon. As for screenshots, hit the jump.

Round Table: Our favorite SEGA sequels

There are always big new IPs that are amazing, but then comes the sequel and improves that game to legendary status. We here at the staff have decided to list our favorite SEGA sequels of all time.

If you have a favorite sequel not posted by us, share it in the comments section.

Sports Interactives Miles Jacobson appointed OBE

Sega owned and UK based developers Sports Interactive has something to be very proud of today. SI Director Mikes Jacobson has been appointed an OBE for services to the computer games industry in the New Year Honours list.

The OBE also known as ‘Order of the British Empire’ is a long running award given to recognize people who have done great things for their country. The ‘Most Excellent Order of the British Empire’ is an order of chivalry established on 4 June 1917 by George V of which an OBE is one of the five awards you can achieve.

SI co-founder Oliver Collyer paid tribute to Jacobson on the Football Manager Forums.

Hit the jump to read on.

Sega 2010 Tribute Video

Some may say that 2010 was a turn around year for Sega, and I would agree. While 2008 and 2009 had their highlights, 2010 was pretty packed with great Sega games.

Our regular forum goer and TheSegaSource blogger ‘SegaUranus’ has made a very fitting tribute video highlighting some of the best games of 2010. Set to the awesome Bayonetta remix of OutRuns ‘Splash Wave’.

So pull up a seat and let’s bask in the glory of Sega 2010 and hope 2011 is even better!


The Sega-Vision… in 1977!?

Back in 2009 I wrote an article at SEGA Memories about a little known piece of hardware from SEGA known as the Sega-Vision. Patented in 1977, the Sega-Vision was a big screen projection TV sold to consumers. Since writing the article, a reader named Chris shared something I had never seen before: a TV commercial for the Sega-vision! So let us revisit this unique article covering an interesting moment in SEGA’s past, and take a look at the commercial, hosted by LA Dodger Steve Garvey! I wonder if Steve still has a Sega-Vision?

Click here to read the original SEGA Memories article and after the jump, check out the commercial!

The Last Boss: Michael Jackson vs Stray Dogs

When I heard that the new Michael Jackson video games for Wii, DS and Kinect were going to be dance games I was hugely disappointed. “What else would you expect them to be?” you may ask, and that is a fair question. I knew it was unlikely, but a small part of me was hoping that we would see some kind of follow up to the classic Sega title Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker. That game had it all; a Michael Jackson soundtrack, scrolling beat-em-up action and some great boss fights, not least of which was the legendary Stray Dogs. Yes, there was a video game where you used Michael Jackson to kick the ever-living shit out of a bunch of dogs.

Why this game doesn’t have a sequel is beyond me…