A little PSO2 info to satisfy your hunger

Well, actually. This will probably only make you more hungry for PSO2, but at least it’s some info to think about and discuss.

  • Development of PSO2 has been running alongside PSP2 Infinity, so the game is further along in development than some people likely think.
  • Some kind of announcement may be made around the end of April, during the finals of the Infinity Grand Prix.
  • PSO2 will not be set in either Ragol or Gurhal. Instead, look forward to an even larger setting with numerous planets as indicated by the game’s logo.

[ PSO-World ]

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8 responses to “A little PSO2 info to satisfy your hunger

  1. Wilhelm says:

    I want it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. CrazyTails says:

    I want more of it!!!!!! Still hungry bawwww!!

  3. CrazyTails says:

    Anyway to be more constructive. That's great info, knowing we might get a big trailer soon. I do not care it's not ragol because we have been there for how long now ?:P I still play the game today and this is phantasy star online 2, the sequal after the first. Not a throwback

  4. ezodagrom says:

    A few more details about this:

    Basically the only extra thing it says is that the Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity staff will join in the development of PSO2 once PSPo2 Infinity is released.

  5. CrazyTails says:

    That is some good news too Ezo. Now that is what you call real dedication, something that had been missing pretty long the last couple of years.

  6. Sharky says:

    I really hope PSO2 is Free2Play and has the game shop system… So I can play it for free and buy some little things here and there as I please.

    I also hope that the game adopts a randomly generated dungeon system like PS:Zero… Randomly generated levels, enemy spawns, weather etc would go a long way in prolonging the experience.

    Finally a ton of content right from the start.

  7. Can't wait, like most of us. Dying to know what platforms its going to be on so we can plan a SEGABITS guild. 🙂

  8. ezodagrom says:

    @Emmett The Crab:

    So far it has been announced only for PC. It might be released for other platforms, but who knows, it might end up PC only.

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