This week, George, Ben (-nSega54-), Aki, and Cory (Sega Uranus) sit down and chat about SEGA being hacked, the latest Rise of Nightmares and Binary Domain trailers, the new SEGA PlayStation Vita team, and much more. Oh, we also babble about Vectorman. You like Vectorman, right?
[audio:] Ad:
Do us a favor guys and let us know what you think about the format, the things discussed, all that stuff. We want these to be interesting for you, not just for us.
Very good show guys. You're wrong about Rise of Nightmares though. It can be played in the dark. The Kinect only needs to see your face for recognition. Otherwise it emits little led lasers everywhere to differentiate between you and the background. In fact the demo area they had this game at during E3 was VERY dark.
I agree with George on the over excess of graphic in Sonic Generations. They put in this great Hedgehog engine for visuals, but at the sacrifice of framerate. Some folks are complaining that they can barely see Sonic through all the detail in the background and they really hate the 30FPS on Classics as it makes him fuzzy when he runs. That wasn't a problem when playing as modern Sonic in Unleashed. Mainly due to the different camera angles.
Oh wow, a Segabits show without any audio problems?! Do my ears deceive me!!!
I loved The Jam cameo, too. Let me guess, Aki choose it :p
I recorded this one
I have the same issue as always. You know I'm here because I searched for a Sega-related podcast on iTunes. When you just have it on this site, you miss out on bringing more people here, plus it's more convenient. Podcasts come in a feed, and iTunes tells me how much I've listened to, and auto-deletes when I've finished listening to it. Like 3 episodes back you said you would fix this, "next episode."
Were too dumb to figure out how to get it working on itunes. the old plugin George used to use stopped working.
If you want to hire a coding expert for us to implement an itunes version we'd gladly accept the offer!
4:59 lol Dreamcast
I had fun listening to it, and laughed about the "shirtless Yakuza" topic. I completely forgot about the PS2 Vectorman, so I looked it up and gagged.
Emmett, we are working to get the RSS working correctly to submit the podcast to iTunes. I talked to Jeffery and he said he would help. So hopefully by the next podcast, it will be up.
Thanks for trying, i supposr…
I thought Vectorman 2 was a serious dip in quality from the first one. Everything was all brown and dark, instead of the bright colors of the Vectorman 1.