WalMart selling Captain America: Super Solider on the Sega console

NiGHTSfan tweeted us this image today from a Wal-Mart. It’s good to see that SEGA is getting stuff like this made to promote their upcoming game. I mean, look at the long and varied list of consoles you can buy it on.

Xbox, Wii, NDS, PS3 and Sega? I love my Sega console, I have one of those. I got it back in the 90’s when I upgraded from my Nintendo.


4 responses to “WalMart selling Captain America: Super Solider on the Sega console

  1. CosmicCastaway says:

    That's hilarious. 🙂

  2. Shigs says:

    I played it on the Sega at E3. Sadly, that version stinks. XD

  3. Barry the Nomad says:

    "Oh, are you playing the SEGA?"
    -my mom

  4. @halfdogjury says:

    I'd play the hell out of that if they released it on Saturn. lol

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