Sega @ Comic Con Photo Gallery

Ain’t no party like a Sega party cuz the Sega party don’t stop!

Sega was out at full force this year. Heavily promoting their upcoming games. Especially Sonic Generations and Captain America. Whether it was the Sega Arcade, the Captain America: Super Soldier ads plastered all over or the beautiful Sega babes, Sega was promoting themselves in a way I haven’t seen since the Dreamcast days. I was lucky enough to have the Sega Arcade just two doors down from my hotel and spent a good amount of time there before heading home. I’ll have hands on reports of Aliens DS (yes Nux, you were right), Renegade Ops and HOTD Overkill later in the week, but for now………..the pics! (56K’ers beware.)

This game doesn’t suck IMO. XP

Whew! I had more pics of the Sega Arcade than I thought! Here, they are making the poster prints right at the arcade.


I won’t lie…….I bought the Werehog one. I got classic Sonic and Amy last year.

Bayonetta and…..Krypto? What an odd combination!

Me and Archie Sonic writer Ian Flynn.

Start with Sega babes, end with Sega babes.

That’s all folks! Hope your modem could handle all that. If you’re wondering where all the Sonic fans are, check out my other comic-con article on Sonic Stadium.

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8 responses to “Sega @ Comic Con Photo Gallery

  1. unknown says:

    ummmm okaaaaay

  2. George says:

    You'd think SEGA would have announced some new 'arcade to console' ports for a SEGA Arcade event?

    I like how the girls on he first picture are all slightly bending their knees.

  3. cosmiccastawayx says:

    If Krypto was in the next Bayonetta game that would be so fantastic.
    Thanks for the pictures Shigs. They are great!

  4. Kori-Maru says:

    Argh I wish I was there this year again man! Sega games plus girls :3. How was the event and Comic Con?

  5. Sega Uranus says:

    Oh my, a black Bayonetta?

  6. sonicblare99 says:

    waitaminute… that 14tth picture looks suspicious (the one with the merchandise). Is that a flicky figure I spy with my little eye?

  7. sonictoast says:

    Ian Flynn was there! Dang, I wish I could have met him. Anyway, i bought that Werehog too, it is a thousand times better than the Jazwares one (which I also bought) 🙁

  8. @halfdogjury says:

    Thanks for sharing this with east coasters like me

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