New Project X Zone 2 trailer released, demo coming soon

A brand new trailer for Project X Zone 2 has arrived! Along with it, we get some of the gameplay in action including a more cartoonish Kazuma from the Yakuza series. Once again, Sega, Capcom and Namco/Bandai come together for one large crossover action RPG (along with some characters from Nintendo’s own JRPG franchises).

If you haven’t played the first one and are curious about the gameplay or just want a sneak peek at the upcoming title, Nintendo will have a demo available on the 3DS E-Shop Thursday, January 26. In the meantime, read on to find out which Sega franchises will be represented in this sequel.

Project X Zone 2 releases on the Nintendo 3DS in North America February 16.

Tails and Knuckles Mii costumes coming to Super Smash Bros

Tails and Knuckles in Smash

Bayonetta wasn’t the only Sega surprise announced for Super Smash Bros yesterday, as Tails and Knuckles also enter the fray! Errr…sort of. They will be included as Mii Fighter costumes. Tails will be used for gunner fighters while Knuckles can be used for brawlers. Now you can have a real Sega vs. Nintendo match online! Bayonetta and Mii costumes arrive in February 2016.

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Segabits @ E3: Off-screen video and more details on Hatsune Miku Project: VR Tech Demo

Shigs here. I’m at E3 and despite no Sega booth, I’m managing to find some Sega…bits of information here and there. As announced earlier, there is a Hatsune Miku VR demo at Sony’s Project Morpheus booth. In this virtual reality demo, you are at a Miku concert enjoying the music with the large, silhouetted crowd. They all have their glowsticks waving to the song “Viva, Viva, Happy” and you need to do the same (I think). Eventually, Miku brings you up on stage and it gets a little odd as words and random objects are seen all over her. You’re playing a rhythm game with the move controller and waving the stick at Miku and the crowd to the beat. The person playing seemed to be too interested in looking around and was obviously losing,  since X’s and storm clouds were appearing everywhere. Still, it looks like a fun game and I’ll try to get my hands on it Thursday when Project Morpheus demos are open to the public.

I apologize for the quality of the video, but it was taken offscreen.

SEGA Humble Bundle sale slashes 75% off some great games


Open up your E-Wallets folks! There’s a big sale going on at Humble Bundle and SEGA is one of the main publishers, so get in on the big clearance ‘cuz everything must go! Although, technically it’s digital so it really doesn’t go anywhere. Just…data gets copied from a server and onto your computer but that data also stays at the server so it’s not like…..NEVERMIND! Anyway,here are some of the great SEGA deals going on:

And many many more! The sale ends soon, so come on down and take a gander.

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Sonic Talk #31: “We’re gonna need a bigger podcast”

We got a fairly large podcast going on this week with lots to discuss. Starting off with our special guest, Elizabeth Silvas who tells us a very touching tale of her near death experience and how Sonic saved her during a troubling time in her life. Next, we discuss the brand new mobile game from Sonic Team “Sonic Runners”. It looks like only I got my hands on this game, but I give my full impressions. Also, I go into the new slightly playable build of Sonic X-Treme and we find out what other Sega and Capcom properties will be involved in the new, “World’s Unite” crossover event. Last, but not least, we delve into some Sonic Boom discussion and talk about the last few episodes.

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The Chaotix are playable in Sonic Runners today


For a limited time only, the Chaotix are available to play in Sonic Runners starting today. The Chaotix campaign will last from 3/5 to 3/15 They increase ring bonuses by 75%. Vector is a power type, Espio is the speed type and Charmy of course, is the flight type.

Only thing is, I haven’t figured out how to play as them. I finished my latest mission as Sonic and Tails, but the Chaotix don’t seem to be available anywhere (although, since it’s not technically 6 AM in the U.S. as of this posting, thy just might not be available yet). There’s still no set release date for the U.S. version yet, but we will inform you the moment it’s known so stay tuned!

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Worlds Unite comic book reveals continue, bringing us NiGHTS, Golden Axe and more!


The third day of IGN’s roster reveal for “Worlds Unite” brings us a few surprises and at least one everyone predicted. From the arcade classic, “Golden Axe” comes the bikini-clad warrior Tyris Flare. Along with her, comes the wolf goddess Ameratsu from “Okami”. Next up is Red Arremer AKA Firebrand from the controller-chucking classic, “Ghosts and Goblins” and last but definitely not least is the one everyone saw coming. The dream warrior itself, NiGHTS.

Stay tuned as the final two days reveals the rest of the cast.

Alex Kidd, Billy Hatcher and more join the “Worlds Unite” crossover


More characters have been officially revealed in the lineup for the upcoming Sonic/Mega Man (or is it now Sega/Capcom?) crossover event “Worlds Unite”. IGN has started day 2 of the reveals. Now entering the fray will be Billy Hatcher, Alex Kidd, Viewtiful Joe and Nina from the Breath of Fire series. In fact, Ian Flynn has revealed that the full cast of Breath of Fire 3 will be involved. Ian has also stated on Twitter that should NiGHTS appear (hypothetically speaking, of course) that it would be the game universe and not a revisit to the Archie comic universe of NiGHTS last seen in 1998. The full roster of characters will be revealed day by day this week so stay tuned!

More SEGA and Capcom franchises are being added to the “Worlds Unite” crossover


I spy with my little eye…

First announced today in IGN, the upcoming Worlds Collide comic book crossover of Sonic and Mega Man will not only include characters from the Sonic Boom and Mega Man X universe, but also characters from across different SEGA and Capcom franchises. According to IGN, more characters will be revealed later this week. For now, we have the teaser image to mull over. Tell us who you see in the silhouettes in the comments section.

SEGA of America going through another huge restructure, main office is relocating


Here we go again.

First it was Europe, now SEGA of America is getting hit with some major restructuring. In a statement released earlier today, SegaSammy Holdings announced an “Implementation of structure reform” for SEGA of America. Included in this are some potential layoffs in the forms of “voluntary Retirement” and the San Francisco office moving to a new location in Southern California. Also, there will be a more narrow focus on the “amusement business” division.

However, it’s not all bad news. There will be a reinforcement in the “Sonic and merchandising businesses” and the PC and Mobile divisions will be getting a stronger push possibly due to strong current sales in those markets. The full statement can be found here.

I hope that not too many people are affected by the downsizing and those that do find themselves out of a job, that they find a new one quickly. I guess we shall see how this goes for SEGA.

Sonic Talk #30: 2014 Sonic Boom or Bust?


In our 30th episode, we discuss the highs and lows of 2014. What was the best moment for Sonic fans and which was the lowest point of the year? Join Jason, Alex, GX and special guest, Evil Dr. Reef. Also, extra special guest, Spanish Sonic! Also, try out our new game, “If Platinum Games made _____”.

Sonic Talk #29: That’s a bounce pad!


It’s time for another episode of that OTHER Sonic podcast on Segabits, Sonic Talk!  This week, Nuckles87, GX and Shigs discuss all things Sonic Boom. From the cartoon and comic to Shattered Crystal and go into great detail on Rise of lyric. You’ll hear our personal thoughts on the game and whether it’s a decent Sonic title or a glitchy, unfinished mess. Maybe both! Listen in and enjoy!

Sonic gets his own Amiibo in February 2015

Sonic Amiibo

Sonic fans, get ready to smash and boom this winter as Nintendo has just announced Sonic as the first Amiibo based on a third party character. Nothing much is known yet, but he’ll most likely be compatible with Smash Bros and Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric. Outside of what’s in the link, no other information is known at this time, but we’ll be sure to update with new information as it comes in. I will say, he needs a bit of a nose job before they release him.


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