Swingin’ Report Show #23: Let’s Try This Again

The newest Swingin’ Report Show marks my triumphant return to the podcast, that should be enough for you to download, right? This week we talk about the latest SEGA news and show a special soft spot for Shinobi on the 3DS. This week’s guests include George, Barry the Nomad, Shigs and special guest Asher, illustrator and YouTube animator of Sonic Paradox.

[powerpress url="https://segabits.com/wp-content/uploads/SwininReportShow23.mp3"]

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18 responses to “Swingin’ Report Show #23: Let’s Try This Again

  1. teirusu says:

    what wrong whit the fatty old adult sonic in the draw

  2. CrazyTails says:

    It says “Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip.” for me

    But when I click on download it does work

    • Barry the Nomad says:

      Yeah, that seems to be an issue across the board with the podcasts. I’ll see what George and Shadi can do about it. In the meantime, the download link does work, as you mentioned. So in the meantime, folks can click that and download or play in their browser.

  3. ScottishDuck says:

    Hehe, you read out my Twitter reply ^^

    FYI, I do really like Shinobi 3DS.

  4. -nSega54- says:

    I’m having the same issue as CrazyTails. =/

  5. CrazyTails says:

    Very good show guys. I enjoyed every second of it. I think you(george) and barry really fill in each other. You two really cracked me up lol. Would be great to have you more often barry 🙂

    • Barry the Nomad says:

      Thanks! Yeah, I like doing these 🙂 The only issue is fitting the show into my schedule. I’m east coast and the rest of the guys are west coast. Though I hope to be in more shows in the future

    • matty says:

      “I think you(george) and barry really fill in each other.”

      You can say that again~♥

  6. George says:

    Seems that the old player we used might have been uninstalled when we move to the new look. Sorry for the trouble, but it should be fixed now! At least for this podcast, going back to the rest and fixing it. Enjoy.

  7. -nSega54- says:

    It’s a bummer about Sonic Generations 3DS, because I see the 3DS version flying off store shelves while the HD versions kinda just sits there….Nintendo fans buy Sonic. Why does Sega consistently provide them with rushed versions when they always sell the best? Argh.

    • ShadiNeko says:

      Show some respect to the decisions of iizuka-san! He is in charge of Sonic and knows best. In a interview in Nintendo Power of all places he said the Wii version was scrapped because it wasn’t fulfulling his vision of HD graphics. So they made the 3DS version instead for the Nintendo fanbase.

      Iizuka-san; not afraid to be honest.

      Sonic CD isn’t on Nintendo platforms either! Not SEGA’s fault Nintendo sucks. I wouldn’t be surprised of Episode 2 didn’t make it onto Nintendo platforms either, according to Ken Balough Sonic CD is really important to the story of Episode 2 and that’s why they are re-releasing it.

      Oh and don’t worry about SEGA losing money, they are making massive amounts off of Mario & Sonic and Generations 3DS Cash-in edition to fund their next masterpiece for XBOX 720 and PS4.

    • ShadiNeko says:

      Oh and know what’s funny? A Japanese person asked Iizuka-san on facebook if Generations was for Wii or iPhone. and Iizuka just assumed they were talking about their kid, since they didn’t want his true vision on HD platforms and said “Get the 3DS version for the kid”

      Just a glimpse into how Iizuka-san sees Nintendo. A platform for kids.

  8. -nSega54- says:


    “according to Ken Balough Sonic CD is really important to the story of Episode 2 and that’s why they are re-releasing it.”

    lol what!? Dude you’ll be able to play Sonic 4 Episode 2 just fine without having to worry about its story….The Sonic the Hedgehog games were never about story.

    “Just a glimpse into how Iizuka-san sees Nintendo. A platform for kids.”

    Right, and Sonic’s a franchise for kids, so why they continue to skimp on the Nintendo versions is beyond me.

    • ShadiNeko says:

      It’s just that Sonic CD is literally on every platform except Nintendo xD, every smartphone OS you can think of. Steam, XBOX live, PSN.

      It makes me think those are the platforms SEGA plans on releasing Episode 2 on. If they scrapped the Wii they will be able to make a higher quality game.

    • George says:

      Its not on Wii due to Nintendo’s restrictions on game sizes. (Sonic CD that is).

      Wii U is probably getting its own Sonic HD title. But a PS3 and 360 are really cheap now. $200 with a few games on Black Friday. No excuses.

    • ShadiNeko says:

      Yeah, the only reason Sonic CD is so high in MB is because of the high quality audio. Episode 2 could easily have high quality audio, and SEGA didn’t want to water it down. I guess we will see =P

      Also I agree, no excuses. XD Anyone can get a PS3 or 360 now. Instead of buying a junk 3DS with no games those Nintendo fanboys should of bought a HD console.

  9. matty says:

    Great show, boys. Had me all warm and snugly for a long, lonely December night.

  10. max_cady says:

    Excellent podcast, guys.

    A good combination of off-topic stuff without getting too distracted and just the right amount of SEGA goodness.

    Wish I could chip in for a SEGAbits community podcast, as well. But most of the users are from the US, so timezones are an issue.

    Keep it up, guys.

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