Shining Blade gets two Japanese commercials

Above is the 30 second spot that will be airing over in Japan. Seems that SEGA is going to go out and promote this PSP title, even though the Vita just came out. Do you think it was a good idea to skip the Vita for now?

Hit the jump for the second spot, this one shorter at 15 seconds.


3 responses to “Shining Blade gets two Japanese commercials

  1. CrazyTails says:

    da fuck?

  2. Chaosmaster8753 says:

    “Seems that SEGA is going to go out and promote this PSP title, even though the Vita just came out. Do you think it was a good idea to skip the Vita for now?”

    I guess that’s what Sony gets for not including decent backwards compatibility for the Vita. *shrugs*

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