Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric patch is live [UPDATE]


A patch for Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric has gone live, and apparently it’s quite hefty, weighing in at roughly 1030MB! That puts this update at just over a gigabyte!

The news of the patch comes from multiple Twitter sources, confirming an update had indeed gone live; and now, one member of the Sonic Stadium forums has claimed the update clocks in a just over a gigabyte. That’s a pretty insane file size for a patch (though still not quite as bad as Ubisoft’s recent Assassin’s Creed patches…)! As for what the patch actually fixes, it is as of yet unconfirmed; early claims are that the Knuckles Infinite Jump glitch is finally gone, and that the visual performance in co-op mode has been improved somewhat. We’ll update here as details become more clear.

Thanks also go to Feniiku on Twitter for helping us confirm the release of the patch.

UPDATE: The patch is currently only live in Europe, from the looks of things. 

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3 responses to “Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric patch is live [UPDATE]

  1. SonicBurst says:


  2. sonicmue says:

    Sega just needs to let go of this please T_T let go SEGA let go.

    Go make Shenmue, Streets Of Rage, Shiboni

    GAMES that made you who you are.

  3. Mardoc says:

    Please somebody, tell Frostman on Twitter : “Patch does not fix the Extreme Mode bug. Crater’s Lake star still doesn’t appear when you beat the level in Extreme Mode.”

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