Sonic Runners to get Phantasy Star Online 2 companions later this month

According to the latest Phantasy Star Online 2 press event, the team has revealed that they are crossing over to Sonic Runners via unlockable companions later this month. The update will allow you to unlock either aa Rappy , Mag or Quna. You can see the unlockable models in the picture above.

Of course since Sonic Runners is still in soft launch, both Sonic Runners and Phantasy Star Online 2 haven’t been released in America yet. While we know that Sonic Runners will eventually come to America, will they still include Phantasy Star Online 2 items, when it hasn’t been released here?


8 responses to “Sonic Runners to get Phantasy Star Online 2 companions later this month

  1. Salt in the wounds SoJ!

  2. Blues says:

    it begins.

    Next up, shining force, hatsune miku, and 711!

  3. TFU says:

    What a crappy update

  4. DCGX says:

    I would like to try this, so hopefully it comes to the States. I just downloaded Sonic Dash over the weekend, and holy cow is it addicting.

  5. landman says:

    Is there a place were the apk is uploaded after each update? I don’t expect it to have an app to download the updated game like PSO2es for android has…

  6. landman says:

    Oh btw, it was not a press event, it was a live event with players and fans, they do them every other month since PSO2 launched and they always live stream it, with viewers voting through nico nico for that day’s boosted Boss quest.

  7. Jeremy(darkangelxero) says:

    Will they ever bring Phantasy Star Online 2 to the west?! I would like to have a game worth playing on my vita since they moved Monster Hunter to the Nintendo 3DS, not bad but the vita is better to me… I can only hope Sega will see how many people still hope for PRO

  8. xavier says:

    don buy any sega games until they release pso2 in America and stop insulting the fans!

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