Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live coming West on October 14

Hatsune-Miku-VR-Future-Live-Akihabara-1[Behold, the future of dating and gaming]

I don’t wanna say that I called it, but I called it! I wrote an article about how SEGA was submitting ratings in countries outside of Japan for Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live, saying I wouldn’t be surprised if its a PlayStation VR launch title in the West. Guess what? Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live is a launch title for the PlayStation VR.

Hatsune Miku: VR Future Live has been confirmed for both America and Europe which is coming via the PlayStation Store (digital only it seems). If you are lucky enough to be attending Gamescom this week, SEGA has a playable demo at the PlayStation Booth so you can enjoy Hatsune Miku in her VR glory.

This is the future boys, no more need for girlfriends.

[Via: Nichegamer]

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