Japanese SEGA Mega Drive ‘Star Cruiser’ gets fan translation

The Japanese exclusive Mega Drive space gameStar Cruiser has now been translated to English thanks to dedication from fans in the retro scene. The guys over at RetroCollect.com describe Star Cruiser as a hybrid between Star Fox, Elite and Phantasy Star. While we are talking about the Mega Drive version, Star Cruiser has been ported to the NEC PC-88, NEC PC-98, Sharp X1 and the Sharp X68000. Star Cruiser was suppose to be released in North America way back in 1994 and was going to be published by Namco, but game’s localization was cancelled for unknown reasons.

This game features four solar systems and over thirty planets for the players to get through, players are tasked with the goal of traversing the galaxy to get rid of a evil militaristic nation. By looking at the video you will notice that most of the game’s action is played through space dog fights featuring some really meh Super FX polygon visuals and the story elements are done through anime style cutscenes.

The Star Cruiser translation is in the form of a .IPS patch, so you will need to have a Japanese Star Cruiser ROM as well to apply the patch with LunarIPS. According to the person working on the patch, there are still plans to fix a few things but you can try it right now, since it seems playable.


[Source: RetroCollect]

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