Steven Spielberg’s upcoming film Ready Player One, based on the novel by Ernest Cline, had a new trailer released for Comic Con and man does it try to outdo Roger Rabbit and Wreck-It Ralph in the cameo department. While the scale of cameos isn’t huge, they sure are all over the map. Viewers have spotted The Iron Giant, Deadpool, Harley Quinn, Gandalf, the DeLorean time machine and other pop culture easter eggs (with many news sites inaccurately reporting it’s all 80s pop culture nostalgia). Being a SEGA fan site, I frame-by-framed the trailer and found a SEGA reference so that SEGA in the Media may live on!
At the 1:40 mark a futuristic red motorcycle appears sporting several stickers including the Atari and Taito logos as well as Hello Kitty and the SEGA logo. Who knows what other references to SEGA the movie will have, but this is a good sign that there could be more. After the break, check out a screengrab of the SEGA sticker.
Looks to me like that futuristic bike is Kaneda’s motorcycle from Akira. Between that, the Sega sticker, and the Iron Giant, this movie is after all of my money.
Isn’t the red bike a Terranova from Xtreme G 3?