Nicalis, Inc. announced on Twitter today that they will be working with DotEmu and Lizardcube to publish Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap at retail for the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch. For those who have been following the game, Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap is a remake of the classic SEGA Master System game and it released digitally in April, 2017. The game was then given a PlayStation 4 physical release by Limited Run Games in standard and special edition versions.
Now, fans will have another chance at a PS4 physical release and add a Nintendo Switch physical release to their collection. We’ll share more details as we hear them!
That’s great news! It’s a joke how fast Limited Run Games sell out. I really don’t like that kind of intentional scarcity. I’m glad this will get a much wider release of physical editions.
Lol I got my wish! Finally I get to own a physical copy and most importantly so does everyone else