Yesterday we shared previews for IDW’s Sonic the Hedgehog issues 1 and 2, and today we have previews for issues 3 and 4 which will round out the month of April which will see an issue released each week. While the first two issues feature Tails and Amy, issue 3 will feature Knuckles while issue 4 will feature Blaze. We will also be introduced to new characters including enemies named Rough and Tumble in issue 3, and a new hero named Tangle the Lemur in issue 4. IGN got the exclusive on what Tangle the Lemur is all about. Their preview features a quote from IDW associate editor David Mariotte who says that the intention was to create a character with a special ability tied to their features, like Sonic’s speed and Tails flight. The end result was a ring-tailed lemur who could use her tail as a whip or a fist.
After the break, check out the synopsis for issues 3 and 4 as well as the available covers!
Sonic the Hedgehog #3—Cover A: Tyson Hesse
Cover B: Jen Hernandez
Ian Flynn (w) • Jen Hernandez (a) • Tyson Hesse (c)
Sonic and Knuckles team up, and it’s just like old times—until two new villains show up. With a group of villagers under attack, will even the combined forces of these two heroes be enough to take down Rough and Tumble???
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Expected in-store date: 4/18/18
Ad:Sonic the Hedgehog #4—Cover A: Tyson Hesse
Cover B: Evan Stanley
Ian Flynn (w) • Evan Stanley (a) • Tyson Hesse (c)
Sonic comes across a town under attack from the biggest Badnik force he’s ever seen. Luckily, help is on the way from his old friend Blaze, as well as a new hero! Get ready for the debut of Tangle!
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Expected in-store date: 4/25/18
Ugh. Not another pointless original character. Why is it so hard for western Sonic adaptations to stick to game characters exclusively?
Maybe because Sonic Forces added custom characters?
Just a thought.
Japanese Sonic adaptations are also full of original characters too
Because Sega and the ST doesn’t know how to appeal to their audience (I wish they could simply get rid of every characters added since Adventure)
No, because having the series only focus on five characters would be boring as all hell.
Mario manages to make good game with few characters
Another “OC donut steel”
I get a Sally vibe looking at that design. Has to be the replacement character.