Phantasy Star Online 2 Episode 4 releases August 2020 on Windows 10 and Xbox One

IGN’s Summer of Gaming event has revealed that Phantasy Star Online 2 will be seeing a western release of Episode 4 to Windows 10 and Xbox One this August. The free-to-play game currently has three episodes localized, with the fourth venturing into some very weird territory. The Phantasy Star Wiki describes Episode 4 as follows:

Two years after the end of the previous episode, the player character finally wakes up from their cold sleep. ARKS has undergone an administrative overhaul, with the player and Matoi sitting on a special position called the Guardian. Additionally, ARKS has discovered a planet that resides in another dimension, which is none other than Earth. However, this discovery brought new cases onto the table, such as the sharp influx of new ARKS members and the sudden appearance of enigmatic creatures known as Phantoms on the planet.

Check out the official trailer after the break!

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4 responses to “Phantasy Star Online 2 Episode 4 releases August 2020 on Windows 10 and Xbox One

  1. SK3 says:

    Just wait till its on Steam and PS4, its gonna happen.

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