Sonic CD getting regular SEGA Genesis / Mega Drive port by fans

Let’s face it, The SEGA CD is expensive and prone to failure. It does offer that incredible CD quality sound but sometimes you just want to play all your classic Sonic the Hedgehog games on the regular old SEGA Genesis / Mega Drive. Guess what? Soon you can.

As part of this year’s Sonic Hacking Contest MDTravis has submitted a sorta demake port by making the once SEGA CD exclusive run on vanilla SEGA Genesis hardware. Like many great fan projects, MDTravis had the help of:

MD Sonic The Hedgehog is slated to get a full release on September 28th, so if your mom hasn’t let you upgrade to a SEGA CD for the last 30+ years, soon you will be able to try Sonic CD!

Edit: Forgot to mention that this would be a port of Sonic CD V0.02 which means it will be a early prototype build being ported over to the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive system.

[via: Time Extension]


One response to “Sonic CD getting regular SEGA Genesis / Mega Drive port by fans

  1. MDTravis says:

    The article fails to mention this is a port of the v0.02 prototype. It is not the full game. It only features Palmtree Panic.

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