SEGA has officially launched its own account system, joining the likes of EA and Ubisoft. The aptly named “Sega Account” will serve as a central hub for players across various platforms, granting access to exclusive benefits, news, and promotions for SEGA and Atlus titles.
To celebrate the launch, SEGA is offering a special in-game reward: the Kazuma Kiryu Special Outfit for “Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii“. This outfit allows protagonist Goro Majima to dress up as his friend, rival, and iconic Yakuza series lead, Kazuma Kiryu. Previously, this costume was available to players who signed up for email notifications. While it’s unclear if this method still applies, it is now definitively obtainable by creating a Sega Account between January 22nd and March 7th. The code for the outfit will be distributed to eligible accounts between February 17th and March 7th. Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii starting everyone’s favorite Goro Majima is set to release on February 21st!
While the initial incentive is the Kiryu costume, Sega has hinted at a broader range of benefits for account holders in the future. This could include exclusive content, early access to demos, and special discounts for games across its portfolio, encompassing major franchises like Sonic the Hedgehog, Persona, and more.