Xbox backwards compatibility update brings new SEGA games and Sonic FPS boost

Xbox has made a major update to the long thought to be dead backwards compatibility program, with 76 new games added and FPS boost for new and existing games. Of interest to SEGA fans, titles from the Xbox and Xbox 360 days are making the leap to the Xbox One and Series consoles. These games include: Binary Domain (Xbox 360), Gunvalkyrie (Xbox), Otogi: Myth of Demons (Xbox) and Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors (Xbox).

Several Sonic titles, as well as the aforementioned Binary Domain, will see a framerate boost via the FPS Boost feature. So expect a solid experience when playing Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Generations and Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed.

[Source: The Verge]

Editorial: Why you should buy Panzer Dragoon Orta for your Xbox One

The Xbox One is in an interesting place in the current games generation. Lacking the exceptional first party support and third party exclusives of the PlayStation 4, the Nintendo Switch, or even the long-passed Wii U, the Xbox One carves its niche out as a competent home media center and place to play your workhorse multi-platform games. Many players have noted however, that this is not a niche that needs filling. The PlayStation 4 provides your home media wants as strongly as the One, with attractive exclusive features and games besides, as well as a generous “get free games when you subscribe to our online multiplayer” scheme, something the One mirrors with its Games with Gold feature. But there is a niche the One fills that its contemporaries skip out entirely on: backwards compatibility. Today we talk about that, an amazing hidden gem from the original Xbox, and how awesome that game is.

Xbox Game Pass subscription program to feature SEGA games


Today, Microsoft announced a new video game rental subscription service known as Xbox Game Pass. For $9.99 per month, users will be given access to over 100 Xbox One and backwards compatible Xbox 360 games digitally. Of course, first party games are available, but several third party publishers are also on board including SEGA (why else would we report on this?). Other publishers on board include 2K, 505 Games, BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment, Capcom, Codemasters, Deep Silver, Focus Home Interactive, SNK CORPORATION, THQ Nordic GmbH and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.

Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed now Xbox One backwards compatible


SEGA and Sumo Digital’s Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed was a huge deal when it released back in 2012. Fans were surprised to see a sequel to the original Sonic & SEGA All-Stars Racing, and were even more surprised to see just how ambitious the game was. Featuring three different vehicle modes that actually played differently (sorry Mario Kart 7), the game touted far more diverse racers and tracks, compared to the original, and appeared on just about every piece of modern hardware.

Today, the game adds a new console to its belt by way of Xbox One backwards compatibility. Via Major Nelson comes news that Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed is now playable on Xbox One! If you haven’t picked the game up yet, there is really no excuse not to. Regardless of the SEGA fan service, it is a quality racer on its own. Want our expert opinion on the game? Check out our reviews of the console and handheld versions.

Bayonetta gets Xbox One backwards compatibility


Have a copy of Bayonetta for the Xbox 360 but worried about upgrading to the Xbox One, or have an Xbox One but neglecting to buy a copy? Good news then, because today Bayonetta is getting Xbox One backwards compatibility along with the games de Blob 2 & Arkanoid Live!, as officially announced on Larry Hryb’s Twitter. This is especially notable for those that lack a Wii U or Xbox360 and want an alternative to play one of the finest games to come out of PlatinumGames, especially since copies that came with Bayonetta 2 are out of print for the former.

Bayonetta has made a recent splash with Super Smash Bros. for Wii U/3DS and Bayonetta 2, so if you have an Xbox One and if you’re curious about the game that started this crazy action packed series, give it a shot.

[Source: Larry Hryb’s Twitter/Major Nelson]

Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse is now backwards compatible on Xbox One

It seems like everyone is paying attention to Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse since it was announced that the game is to be delisted on digital marketplaces on September 2nd. Despite the fact that the game will soon be leaving online stores, it is now available on another major platform! Via Major Nelson comes the news that the Xbox 360 version of Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse is now backwards compatible on the Xbox One.

The game is currently $14.99 on the Xbox Marketplace. If Xbox isn’t your thing, or you want the game for less on another platform the Humble Bundle PC version is only $2.24, discounted from $14.99, and the PS3 version is only $3.74. It you want to learn more about the game to help in your decision on whether to purchase the game or not, check out our review in which we awarded Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse an A- and called it “A fantastic platformer!”.

Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episodes I & II hitting Xbox One backwards compatibility today


Larry Hryb aka Major Nelson of Microsoft announced via Twitter that Sonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode ISonic the Hedgehog 4 Episode II would be hitting Xbox One Backward Compatibility today, meaning you can play the Xbox 360 games on your Xbox One. The recent additions means that Xbox One owners can now play the original Sonic SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive games as well as Sonic CD and the Sonic 4 duology on their Xbox One… as they truly imagined it! For as much flack as the Sonic 4 games get, they’re worth checking out – especially Episode II and Episode Metal.

Then again, with Sonic’s anniversary party tomorrow, we just may see a game announcement that is so amazing it wipes Sonic 4 from our memories (let’s hope!).

Jet Set Radio HD available on Xbox One via backward compatibility

JetSetRadioHDXboneJet Set Radio is the newest game to join the Xbox One family thanks to Microsoft’s 360 backwards compatibility. The game was released back in 2012 on the Xbox 360 and if you bought it you can now play it on your shiny new Xbox One.

Its nice that Jet Set Radio is technically available on a new platform, makes me hope that maybe SEGA hasn’t given up on the brand. I know fans haven’t, since Jet Set Radio Future HD re-release is hot in demand on social media sites. Maybe Microsoft will start backwards compatibility program with original Xbox titles? I wish!

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