SEGA News Bits: Streets of Rage Turns 25 Years Old

On this SEGA News Bits, George and Barry split a trash can chicken and look back on SEGA’s iconic beat ’em up franchise Streets of Rage. Known as Bare Knuckle in its country of origin, Japan, Streets of Rage was SEGA’s answer to Final Fight. Now, 25 years later, many would argue Streets of Rage completely overshadowed the very franchise it set out to compete against. Enjoy the video, and after watching why not play some Streets of Rage? In the comments below, tell us your favorite franchise memories.

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Axel Stone from Streets of Rage, Sakura Shinguji of Sakura Wars and more confirmed for Project X Zone 2


Courtesy of the new issue of Famitsu (and the scans above, provided by @TACK0520 on Twitter), we now know three more characters showing up on the SEGA side of things in the upcoming Project X Zone 2: Brave New World.

Axel Stone of Streets of Rage fame has been confirmed to show up in the game, as have Sakura Shinguji and Gemini Sunrise from the Sakura Taisen series. Whilst both Sakura Taisen characters return from the first game, this is Axel’s first appearance in a seriously long time, and it’s great to see him added to the roster. In addition to these SEGA additions, Capcom’s Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey of their Ace Attorney series are also confirmed to be appearing, as well as characters from God Eater 2 and Summon Night 3. From the looks of things, Axel will be an assist unit, whereas the Taisen characters return in their role from Project X Zone. 

Overall, it’s awesome to see more SEGA love from this game; Axel was definitely near the top of my wanted list, and I’m ecstatic to see him return.

Keith Apicary’s latest song “Keith of Rage” takes inspiration from a certain SEGA beat ’em up

SEGA superfan and recent SEGAbits interviewee Keith Apicary has returned to the music world with a new music video entitled “Keith of Rage” – inspired by SEGA’s classic beat ’em up Streets of Rage. While the whole song is awesome from start to finish, a few stand out lyrics include “My Segas so hot its turning red. I’m eating apples and bustin heads. I played so hard my fingers bled. In a few more levels Mr X is dead.” and “I’ve got the brain of a 12 year old kid. My friends grew up but I never did. Spent half of my life jamming on Bare Knuckle and as a result I look like your uncle.”

Make sure to give the video a thumbs up and check out Nathan Barnatt’s other videos!

Streets Of Rage 2 out now on iOS

From out of seemingly nowhere, Streets Of Rage 2 appears for download on the Apple iPod Touch and iPhone. The game will cost you $2.99/€2.39/£1.79/AU$ 3.99 and includes Bluetooth multiplayer, and the Japanese version, Bare Knuckle 2.

The article also mentions that Golden Axe 2, Golden Axe 3, and Streets Of Rage 3 will be available this spring. Cool beans.

[Source: SEGA]