SEGA in the Charts: Japanese Chart 20 – 26 September 2010


SEGA hits back in the charts in style, although the release is of the new Yakuza spinoff for the PSP is dwarfed thanks to the new Pokemon. Despite this, the new game records one of SEGA’s biggest first week’s this year, although how well did it do to previous Yakuza titles and the other spinoff in the series, Kenzan! Read on to find out more.

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Project K finally gets a name & release date

Toshihiro Nagoshi has finally given his PSP Yakuza title a name. He has said it would not be named Ryu Ga Gotaku (Yakuza’s name in Japan, meaning “Like a Dragon”).

So what is it called? “Kurohyou: Ryu ga Gotoku Shinshou,” which can be translated to “Black Leopard: A New Yakuza Chapter” (or “A New Like a Dragon Chapter”).

The game is also coming out on September 22nd, in Japan. SEGA has not revealed if they will be bringing the title to the west. Japanese readers that pre-order the game will recieve a copy of “Young Kamutai Magazine,” a fictional travel guide to the game’s fictional setting of Kamurocho.

[Source 1up]