Lost in Time No More: SEGA’s Canceled Dreamcast MMO “Far Nation” Leaks Footage Online

Back in the day, the SEGA Dreamcast had quite the list of unreleased games, one of which was “Far Nation.” Briefly announced in 2000, Far Nation was planned to be one of the first console MMORPGs alongside Phantasy Star Online. Details about Far Nation have been scarce for over two decades. Sega only mentioned the title a handful of times before its quiet cancellation in 2001. No screenshots or gameplay details were ever officially revealed.

But now, thanks to Reddit user fuperslizzle0, we might be getting a glimpse of the game. In a post yesterday, they said:

“I’m not going to get too verbose or overbearing with this, other than to say the footage shown here is from a legit disc belonging to a friend of mine who worked at Sega during the time Farnation was in development. We sat down and “played” (or really, experimented with) the game for about 35 minutes, all of which I recorded, and these clips are all we’re prepared to share for now.

Please enjoy, and rest assured, more is coming! ;)”

SEGA cancels Thor PSP game, no one cares

SEGA has just revealed that the PSP version of their upcoming Thor game,  Thor: God of Thunder, will not be released.

The PSP version of Thor was being developed in-house, but don’t fear, the development has been moved to the 3DS. But with such short notice on the change, I think this game will probably be rushed… just like SEGA’s other Marvel movie games.

[Source: Gamerzines]

Obsidian CEO says Aliens RPG felt finished

We know that Aliens RPG has been in development for awhile, then SEGA had to go in and pull the plug.

At a press event last week, Joystiq asked Obsidian CEO Feargus Urquhart some questions about Aliens RPG. So what did he have to say about the unreleased game?

“Oh, if you had come in and played any of the last builds we were working on, you would have said it was a finished game, that’s how close we were. It looked and felt like it was ready to ship.”

Other info he gave out was that you only played as the Colonial Marines in the game, that missions would involve tasks like protecting sentry guns  that were featured in a deleted scene in Aliens the movie.