SEGA posts sales profits despite having fewer sales

SEGA-Sammy has posted their detailed financial report for the last six months, spanning from April to September 2015. If you guys didn’t know, April 1st is when SEGA’s massive restructure happen and around June is when SEGA of America did their big move. Not only that but the company hasn’t been releasing as much software as they used to, but they still manage to make profit even with a decrease in sales.

SEGA-Sammy reports 1.2 billion in net sales, which happens to be a decrease of 2.5% over the same six month period in 2014, where they reported over 1.3 billion. Yet SEGA-Sammy posted a profit of $7.9 million, compared to losing $23 million in 2014.

SEGA-Sammy said that digital games just happen to be one of the big money makers for the company which happen to them get out of the red. What games did good? Lets look.

SEGA News Bits: Tokyo Game Show 2015 impressions

This year’s Tokyo Game Show has come to a close and SEGA of Japan showed off plenty of titles at the event. On this SEGA News Bit video me and Barry discuss our impressions of SEGA’s showing, including Atlus games that made the show. Tune in and tell us what you thought about this year’s Tokyo Game Show in the comments.

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Check out SEGA’s new Chain Chronicles English ad

We know that mobile gaming apps have been getting an increase in ads on television and other medias. I mean, I can’t turn on a TV without them cramming those ‘Game of War‘ ads down my throat. SEGA Networks has recently posted the above ad that just happens to be in English for Chain Chronicles, but seems to be aimed for Japanese audiences since SEGA isn’t publishing the game in the west (sadly).

The advertisement was filmed in Chateau de Beloeil castle which is in Belgium. The actual pop-up book used in the ad wasn’t computer generated as you can see in their making of video, which is posted after the break.