SEGA Talk #121: Condemned: Criminal Origins (2005)

SEGA Talk takes a trip to Metro City, in this gritty, serial killer chasing video game Condemned: Criminal Origins, developed by Monolith Software. We take a look at the early titles of the studio, the failed Matrix Online and the plans for a ‘Star Wars’ multimedia franchise that never came to be!

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Binary Domain, Streets of Rage 2 and Condemned free on Steam

phase-2-unlockedA few days ago SEGA gave out Jet Set Radio, Hell Yeah! and Golden Axe for free as part of their Make War Not Love event. Now is time for phase 2, which means more free SEGA games for us! This time they are giving out the following:

  • Binary Domain 
  • Condemned: Criminal Origins
  • Streets of Rage 2

To get the games, visit this page, click “REDEEM PRIZE” enter your email address under the Previous Content banner. You’ll see the instructions “In order to redeem the prize bundle, please enter your email address below.” You will then receive an email asking to add you to a list for the free content. Please allow up to 24 hours for a unique Steam code containing this content to be sent to you.

We are even considering having a SEGAbits game day with Binary Domain, if people are interested in playing online (since its mostly dead now). Let us know what you think about that in the comments.

Condemned creator wants to bring the series back

Jace Hall who is a co-founder and former CEO of Monolith Productions, the developer behind the first two Condemned games has revealed on Facebook that he wants to bring the franchise back. Jace Hall says that he owns the IP and is looking for a proven indie developer that wants to bring the series back.

I am contemplating finding an interested and proven Indie development team AND PROVIDING IT TO THEM, so that they can take over the franchise and move it forward.

As an indie, it can be very hard to get marketing/media attention for a title that you work on. This franchise is already quite known, has market demand, and is in an innovative genre/category. – Jace Hall via Facebook

Condemned: Criminal Origins (Condemned: Psycho Crime in Japan) came out in 2005 as a Xbox 360 launch title worldwide for the console, with a PC port the following year. Shortly after the release of the game, Warner Brothers Studios announced it would make a film adaption called ‘Unforgettable‘. The film had a projected 2008 theatrical release date, but was canceled way before that.

While we didn’t see a Condemned film in 2008, we did see a sequel titled Condemned 2: Bloodshot. This game would not only be released on the Xbox 360, but also on Sony’s Playstation 3. Sadly there wasn’t a PC release of the sequel. Since the sequel didn’t sell as well as the first game, the franchise was put on hold. But maybe it will come back without co-publisher SEGA? What do you guys think about this?

HUGE Sega/Sonic sales on LIVE and PSN


Time to transfer your titles to digital and save some money while doing it! Both PSN and X-Box LIVE have big savings on some of your favorite Sega titles. On PSN, you get the “Sonic Master Collection”. It’s 7 Sonic titles and their DLC for $29.99. This includes Sonic Adventures 1 & 2, Sonic CD, Sonic 1 & 2 and Sonic 4 Episodes 1 & 2.

But X-Box LIVE has even bigger sales! Get Sonic Unleashed, Sonic Generations, Sega Superstar Tennis or Condemned for only $9.99! Sonic 4 Episodes 1 & 2 are 400 points ($4.99) each while Space Channel 5 Part 2, Sega Bass fishing, Guardian Heroes, Sonic 1, 2, 3 and Knuckles plus Sonic CD are a mere 160 Points ($2) each. Sonic Adventure 1 also comes in at 160 points while Sonic Adventure 2 is 400 points. Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown, Crazy Taxi, NiGHTS, Daytona USA HD and Jet Set Radio Come in at 400 points. Also, check out The Cave and Renegade Ops coming in at 600 and 320 points respectively. There’s big savings on the DLC as well, so hurry up and don’t miss out!