Daytona Championship USA 8-Player cabinet spotted at Dave & Busters Florida

We are getting closer to SEGA Amusement’s release of Daytona Championship USA, briefly known as Daytona 3 Championship USA before it was renamed. We even did a video discussing the name change, if you want to hear more about our opinion on it. Most fans have been wondering when they can get their hands on Daytona Championship USA and it seems if you live in Hollywood, Florida, you can play it now at Dave & Busters. They seem to have the ultra awesome 8-player linked deluxe cabinet that makes me truly envious, since I don’t live in Florida.

It also seems that SEGA Amusement already has a product page for Daytona Championship USA, for those businesses or people that want a cabinet of their own. They come in 2-Player, 4-Player and 8-Player variants. As for how much a Daytona Championship USA cabinet will cost you, I couldn’t tell you. The product page just has a contact thing to get a quote. As of today there aren’t any plans on bringing Daytona Championship USA to home consoles, I assume that’s something you would have to bother SEGA about. Now I wait for Daytona Championship USA to be spotted somewhere in California, so I can drive sky high.

[Source: Arcade Heroes]

SEGA News Bits: Daytona 3 Championship USA Name Change Reaction

On this SEGA News Bits, George and Barry discuss the sudden name change to affect the upcoming arcade racer Daytona 3 Championship USA. Yes, they changed the name and no, it still sounds like they threw a title into a blender. What was the purpose of this name change and what are our thoughts? Click play and find out!

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SEGA Amusements releases Daytona 3 Championship USA Three-Seven Speedway trailer

In anticipation of tomorrow’s EAG International Expo in London, SEGA Amusements has released a new trailer for Daytona 3 Championship USA showcasing the return of the classic Daytona USA track Three-Seven Speedway. From the trailer above you can see some changes they’ve made to the classic track, including a change from classic to modern Sonic carved into the hillside and the lack of the slot machine – an unfortunate element that had to be dropped so that the game could appear in as many arcades as possible due to gambling restrictions in certain regions. But hey, it has the layout and the iconic music and we can’t wait to play it when Daytona 3 Championship USA begins to appear in arcades later this year!

SEGA News Bits: What to expect from SEGA in 2017

On this episode of the SEGA News Bits we see a end to 2016 and get ready for another year full of SEGA games. Well, at least SEGA in 2017 will be having bigger titles than they had this year. We discuss all the games that SEGA have officially confirmed for 2017, discuss the SEGA games we are looking forward to and even throw some predictions for announcements that might be made by SEGA in 2017. So listen in and tell us what titles you are looking forward to, what are some predictions about SEGA in 2017 you have and what you wish was announced for next year in the comments below!

If you enjoy our SEGA News Bits segments and want to support us. Give us a sub, if you are already subscribed you can always like the video.

SEGA Amusement CEO says Outrun 3 is ‘on our radar’


SEGA Amusement has been making the rounds with old school SEGA fans ever since they announced Daytona 3 Championship USA earlier this year. It seems that SEGA Amusement will continue resurrecting old SEGA franchises, at least that’s what it sounds like. In a recent interview with T3, SEGA Amusement International CEO Paul Williams had this to say about a possible OutRun 3:

“Outrun 3 is not on plan at the moment. It is something that is on our radar but I cannot discuss more than that.”

It is interesting that he even spoke about the possibility of OutRun 3, considering how weird SEGA PR used to be in the past. It also seems, from what I gather from the quote that SEGA Amusement has a sort of short list of franchises they would like to bring back. Its not surprising that Daytona 3 Championship USA is one of the first titles considering how popular the original was. Paul Williams also talks about how they work with SEGA Japan developers and why its hard for them to bring SEGA Japanese games over to the states. Very interesting read.

What are your thoughts of the possiblity of OutRun 3? Let us know in the comments below!

[Via: Arcade Heroes]

SEGA News Bits: First Daytona 3 Championship USA Gameplay Reaction

We have not only gotten an official Daytona 3 Championship USA teaser trailer by SEGA Amusements, but we also got 8 minutes of gameplay footage by Arcade Heroes. Today George and Barry will talk about our reactions to Daytona 3 Championship USA cabinet, graphics, sound, and if this game deserves the Daytona USA branding. We want to hear about what you think of Daytona 3 Championship USA, sound off in the comments!

If you like our SEGA News Bits segments, make sure you subscribe to us on YouTube. Thanks for watching!

8 minutes of Daytona 3 Championship USA arcade gameplay

Arcade Heroes continues to release Daytona 3 Championship USA information from IAAPA 2016, this time offering up over 8 minutes of footage of the game in action! The video gives us a good look at how races play out and how the player facing cameras function. We also get to see damage to the cars and the car’s reflective surfaces. For more information on Daytona 3 Championship USA make sure to read the preview over at Arcade Heroes.

SEGA Amusements releases Daytona 3 Championship USA teaser trailer

We’ve been talking a lot about Daytona 3 Championship USA over the past week here on the SEGAbits front page, but now we finally get a look at the game in action thanks to a teaser trailer from SEGA Amusements! As seen above, the latest Daytona USA game features the same joyous music and colorful graphics as the original but upped to modern graphical standards. The music is, to my ear, a new arrangement of the classic “Let’s Go Away” from Takenobu Mitsuyoshi who has been rumored to be returning for the project.

Fans should spot some easter eggs including Sonic carved into the cliff and a sign for Virtua Inn in the Virtua Fighter logo style. Give the video a watch and let us know your thoughts in the comments below or in our dedicated forum topic. Learn more about how the game plays, and some other new details, in the preview from Arcade Heroes.

Via Arcade Heroes preview, Daytona 3 Championship USA is slated for a March/April 2017 release. Expect to see a more complete software package at the AMOA/AAMA Amusement Expo in March or maybe at the January UK arcade expo.


Get a first look at the Daytona 3 Championship USA arcade machine


The International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA) 2016 conference kicks off this week, and while the conference starts today the floor show doesn’t open until tomorrow. In the meantime, attendees can see exhibitors setting up their booths which means we get sneak peeks at new arcade machines. Daytona 3 Championship USA is probably the biggest reveal at the event, so it only makes sense that we get a leak. Thanks to Arcade Belgium, we have a look at the 8-seater setup of the game. Unfortunately, the game wasn’t running and the photo isn’t the highest quality, so we can’t see the game in action and are unable to confirm if the AM2 logo appears on the machine. I did notice that in the lower left of the machine there are what appear to be sponsor logos, and one kinda-sorta looks like the AM2 logo, but there’s no way to tell from this photo. Also, it is worth noting that recent AM2 games did not feature the studio logo on the machine. Fans shouldn’t fret, however, as we had learned from a reliable source that much of the original Daytona USA team worked on the game.

More information, including a trailer, should be hitting soon!

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SEGA Amusements reveals Daytona 3 Championship USA logo, teases more to come


The official SEGA Amusements Facebook and Twitter pages, which you really should follow, have just posted the official logo for the recently revealed arcade exclusive Daytona 3 Championship USA. While we’re still iffy on the name (doesn’t Daytona USA 3 Championship sound better?) the logo looks great and, based on the layout, it does sort of read as Daytona USA 3 Championship. Anyway, minor nitpicks aside, it is great to see more official assets and SEGA Amusements promises one week to go before the official reveal at IAAPA 2016. Here’s hoping more teases release before then. Of course a trailer would be what we’re all hoping for. More info as we hear it!

After the break, check out how the new logo compares to past games in the franchise. Thank you Daytona International Speedway for never updating your logo.

SEGA News Bits: Daytona 3 Championship USA Announced for Arcades Reaction

If you have been reading the blog you know we have been following the announcement of Daytona 3 Championship USA, which was teased a few days ago and we finally got confirmed yesterday. Now join George and Barry as they discuss their reaction to the Daytona 3 Championship USA announcement, what they want to see from the game and our general opinion on the game being arcade exclusive. Tell us your general opinion about Daytona 3 Championship USA in the comments below!

If you enjoy our SEGA News Bits segments, make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel. We appreciate all the support. Thanks for watching.

[UPDATED] SEGA Amusements reveals Daytona 3 Championship USA plus more details!

Daytona – The True Legend Is Back-1

UPDATE: We have learned that SEGA has assembled as much of the original Daytona team as they could to develop this game, including Takenobu Mitsuyoshi on sound.

As the internet is buzzing over the recent reveal of a new Daytona arcade game, new details have released via SEGA Amusements. In a lengthy press release, it has been revealed that the game is indeed the third entry in the series, titled Daytona 3 Championship USA. The press release also reveals the following details:

  • Brand new version of Daytona
  • 3 brand new tracks including a recreation of the Daytona International Speedway
  • 3 class courses remastered for the modern era
  • New cars and game modes
  • 47″ LED cabinet, linkable for up to 8 players
  • In-game camera system
  • LIVE TV spectator video billboard
  • Based on original game engine
  • All-new party mode for arcade events

Read the full press release after the break.

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