Several VHS recordings of never before seen Sega Channel footage found and preserved online

The Sega Channel, a long dormant online games-on-demand service for the Sega Genesis/Mega-Drive, has long been an enigma in the years since its official sunset in 1998. Very little material from the service has been preserved or documented, and there is still so much that only those who subscribed to the service and have vivid memories of it would know for sure. Thankfully, @Ghostsencore and prolific Genesis romhacker Billy Time Games have come across a smorgasbord of archived VHS tapes containing recordings of someone, presumably the person who recorded the footage in the first place, perusing the menus of Sega Channel during a few months where the service was still alive and well.

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Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack updated with Alisa Dragoon, Beyond Oasis, and Earthworm Jim

On Thursday, September 15th, Sega added three more classic Sega Genesis titles to the Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pack lineup, after skipping a month from their usual bimonthly update. Subscribers can now play Alisa Dragoon, Beyond Oasis, and Earthworm Jim on Nintendo Switch. Japanese players get all the same 3 games in their own update at the same time. Each game will be immediately accessible after updating the Sega Genesis – Nintendo Switch Online application on your Switch to its latest version. You can learn more about each game within this article.

More titles announced for the Mega Drive Mini and SEGA Genesis Mini, including World of Illusion, Earthworm Jim, Super Fantasy Zone, and more!

SEGA has announced more titles coming to the SEGA Genesis Mini and the Mega Drive Mini. A total of 10 more games have been announced separately between the North America/Europe lineup and the Japanese lineup; 6 shared between the two lineups, 3 exclusive to the western consoles, 4 exclusives for the Japanese console, and the previously announced Sonic the Hedgehog 2 being confirmed to appear on the western consoles. Arguably the most notable titles to note here are the Disney titles Castle of Illusion and World of Illusion, as it confirms some licensed titles will also appear in the SEGA Genesis Mini selection.

[Source: SEGA of America website, Famitsu]

Click below for a full list of confirmed titles.

Wii Shop Channel Guide for SEGA Fans – Controller Adapters, Mega Drive & Genesis

wii shop

The Wii Shop Channel is beginning it’s operations to shut down the service on the 30th of January in 2019. Nintendo put out a reminder that the service will prevent you from being able to add points to purchase games from their service March 26th.

Not only will you be unable to redownload games you purchased from the service after the shutdown date, this will take away several games that include titles that are very difficult to find in the after market. Leading up to the closure of the service we will be posting articles featuring games that SEGA fans will want to keep their eyes on. SEGA has been a major supporter for the service since the beginning of Nintendo’s foray into the digital market. Starting off with titles from the Mega Drive and the Genesis, the service grew to provide cult favorites, rare and valuable titles and even imports from Japan. There are also a few WiiWare titles to consider, exclusive games that were hampered by small file size limits for developers and lack of advertising. We won’t exactly be recommending recommend Sonic 4 Episode 1, but it is worth mentioning since it will no longer be on sale.

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