My Life with SEGA celebrates Halloween with Zombie Revenge for the Dreamcast

‘Tis the season to be scary, SEGA fans! That’s why A.J. Rosa of My Life with SEGA is reviewing Zombie Revenge for the SEGA Dreamcast.

Zombie Revenge is a side story of the SEGA arcade smash, The House of the Dead. Point of fact, according to our wiki (SEGA Retro), the working title for Zombie Revenge was Blood Bullet: The House of the Dead Side Story…. Yeeeaaah, no.

Anyway, Zombie Revenge is a beat-’em-up/shooter, similar to Die Hard Arcade (Dynamite Deka). Gamers must punch, kick, shoot, slice and dice their way through the walking dead in order to stop a demented madman from wiping all of mankind off the face of the planet. So, how does this mash-and-bash stack up after 15 years? Turn down the lights and crank up the volume. It’s time to kill.

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SEGAbits at Sonic the Comic-Con 2014: The Write Up


Today, that being Sunday 26th October 2014 where I am, York here in the UK saw a plethora of Sonic fans descend upon it for an event dedicated to a certain blue hedgehog: or more specifically, his comic book based endeavours.

I’m quite sure a lot of our readers are familiar with the work of Archie Comics, and their long-running series of Sonic comics; in fact, this was the first form of Sonic in print that I discovered, through the Sonic Mega Collection. However, those outside of the UK missed out on another important part of Sonic’s history: Egmont Fleetway’s Sonic the Comic. 

Sonic & SEGA Fan Jam 2014 Prices and Event Details are here!

The wait is now over! Our Sonic & SEGA Fan Jam 2014 event prices and details are finally here! The prices for the event for non members of The Guild Hall will be $25 (recommended for those who live out of town from Savannah), $20 for Guild Hall members, and $5 for children under age 12 to experience the full extent of the Fan Jam event as we will have numerous of Sonic & SEGA titles playable along with special guests of the SEGA Community and SEGA fan films made by talented filmmakers.

We will also have tournaments based on the 3 featured games and cosplay contest for everyone to get a chance to win some awesome prizes such as signed copies of Sonic Boom by the producers at SEGA, Hatsune Miku Manga, and more! Sonic & SEGA Fan Jam 2014 will take place at The Guild Hall in Savannah, Ga on Saturday on November 22nd at 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM. For more info on Fan Jam 2014, be sure to follow our event page here and The Guild Hall on Facebook. Hit the jump to see the cool stuff to be featured in Fan Jam 2014!

SEGA Retrospective: Sonic the Hedgehog’s Classic Trilogy


The following is a guest article from Sonic Stadium writer Brad, written as part of our intersite #Sonic23on23 celebration. Enjoy it, and maybe check out our guest article over at Sonic Stadium written by our own Ben Burnham.

Ah, birthdays. The perfect times for parents to get out those old, embarrassing pictures of you when you were a baby. Our spikey blue hero is no exception to this, however his own classic outgoings were never something to be embarrassed about. In fact, many fans still refer to the original trilogy of games as some of the best games the series has made. I’m not far removed from this ideal, and as such I wanted to look back at these old gems of classic gaming, chronologically.