SEGA Talk Podcast #49: Gunstar Super Heroes (2005)

On this episode, we return to a Treasure classic with a look back at the Gunstar Heroes sequel Gunstar Super Heroes! Being our first Game Boy Advance game on the show, we also share our thoughts on Nintendo’s handheld, including the best games and our preferred models. As for Gunstar Super Heroes, we dive into the game’s development, how it compares to the original, and discuss the many elements of SEGA fan service that did and DIDN’T appear in the final product.

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SEGA Tunes: After Burner’s Final Take-Off from Gunstar Super Heroes

After Burner’s soundtrack ranks among the most iconic in the games industry. We’ve already featured two versions of After Burner’s main theme on a Tuesday Tunes a few years ago, so today we’ll be showcasing something a little more obscure: an unused track from Gunstar Super Heroes. Released for the Game Boy Advance in 2005, GSH was originally supposed to include numerous tracks referencing classic SEGA titles, including Altered Beast, Galaxy Force and of course After Burner. Unfortunately, all of these tracks were cut at the last moment, but some hackers managed to pull them out of the ROM and slap them onto the internet.

If the Gunstar Super Heroes rendition of Final Take-Off isn’t your cup of tea, I’ve also included the original version of the track from the SEGAAGES Album. Check it out after the break!