New Dreamcast documentary speaks with Masayoshi Kikuchi (Jet Set Radio), Tetsuya Mizuguchi (Rez), Rieko Kodama (Skies of Arcadia), and more

To celebrate the upcoming 20th year anniversary of the SEGA Dreamcast, the Japanese YouTube channel Archipel has decided to go talk to Japanese creators that worked on software for the Dreamcast. This is just the first part and the people they got from SEGA is pretty crazy:

Hiroshi Iuchi (Ikaruga), Kenji Kanno (Crazy Taxi), Masayoshi Kikuchi (Jet Set Radio), Rieko Kodama (Eternal Arcadia/Skies of Arcadia), Tetsuya Mizuguchi (Space Channel 5 / Rez), Tetsu Okano (Segagaga), Yoot Saito (Seaman), and Hiroaki Yotoriyama (Soulcalibur)!

Its nice to see some of these creators sit down and talk about their time working on the very iconic Dreamcast, pretty excited to see part two of this documentary series. If you haven’t seen Archipel’s content, you should totally check out other documentaries they have done.

Ikaruga successfully greenlit for Steam


Today’s Steam Greenlight round up features 37 games that have been voted on by the Steam community, and for Ikaruga fans can rejoice as the game was among them!

There is currently no release date set, and there is no other news about this version other than what is already known, however the developer, according to their official Twitter, has expressed interest in adding more of their games to Steam.

There are already games by the developer on Steam such as Dynamite HeaddyGunstar Heroes and Alien Soldier. However this is their first attempt at self publishing on the service.

More as it develops.

Treasure’s good news is Ikaruga on Steam Greenlight


Back in late September, it was reported that Treasure was going to bring good news for fans of Ikaruga. Which turns out to not only be a port of their arcade game, but that it would be the developer’s first foray into Steam Greenlight. While this means they require fan demand for the PC version, they promise to deliver on an updated version of the Xbox 360 release which also includes XInput controller support.

Head on over to Steam Greenlight if you’d like to see this game, possibly along with their other titles, on their service. Maybe this could also lead to Guardian Heroes or Bangai-O on Steam?


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Treasure says there is ‘good news’ coming regarding Ikaruga


The SEGA NAOMI cult classic shoot ’em up Ikaruga might have some ‘good’ news incoming, that is according to Treasure’s twitter account.

Of course, fans are raving and hoping that this will mean a sequel to the original (which was a spiritual successor to Radiant Silvergun). I also hope for a sequel, the game has had enough ports already (appearing on Dreamcast, Gamecube, XBLA, and Android mobile devices). So, are you guys ready to return to another bullet hell adventure?

Ikaruga gets ported to Android devices, dodge bullets on the go
Ikaruga is probably one of my favorite shoot ’em ups during the Dreamcast era, created originally for the SEGA NAOMI board. This little bugger has seen its fair share of ports, including the Gamecube, Xbox 360 and now Android powered devices. How much are they charging for this masterpiece? $9.

So head over to the Play Store and pluck down some money and if you haven’t played it, do so please.

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Weekly Five: Best Unknown Dreamcast games

We all know about Skies of Arcadia, Shenmue, Sonic Adventure, and Jet Set Radio. I don’t think there is a self-respecting SEGA fan alive who doesn’t know what all the best Dreamcast games are. But the Dreamcast’s library is large, and I’ll bet there are five games out there many of you have not played. This list is devoted to those games, the most overlooked awesome games on the Dreamcast!

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