Jurassic Park: Classic Games Collection from Limited Run Games adds two Sega Genesis/Mega-Drive Jurassic Park games; is still up for pre-order

A while back, Limited Run Games announced their partnership with Universal Pictures to make the Jurassic Park: Classic Games Collection on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5/4, and Xbox, a compilation of all the official Jurassic Park games on NES, SNES, and Game Boy using their all new Carbon Engine emulation platform. We didn’t talk about this at the time because it wasn’t relevant to Sega in any way, until now. Just today, Limited Run Games has announced the collection will now also include the two Sega Genesis/Mega-Drive games: Jurassic Park (1993) and Jurassic Park: Rampage Edition (1994). Life finds a way for Sega Genesis to get its dues after all.

Fortunately, Limited Run Games’s pre-order period for the collection is going on until October 15th, 2023, so you still have plenty of time to pre-order a physical copy of the game if you’re interested. There are standard editions and two different collectors editions available. Photos of each are below. (The extras in the two collector’s editions are the same for every console.) You can select and pre-order them from LRG’s Jurassic Park: Classic Games Collection page.

Will you be picking up this collection? Were you interested in it before the Sega games were added? Tell us in the comments below, won’t you?

And while you’re at it, listen to Barry and George talk about the original Jurassic Park game on Genesis in their latest Sega Talk episode.

SEGA Talk #126: Jurassic Park (1993)

The SEGA Talk episode 65 million years in the making, as we take a drive through Jurassic Park on the SEGA Genesis/Mega Drive! Its Raptor vs Man on this adaptation of Steven Spielberg’s classic film (which in turn, was an adaptation of a book)!

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SEGA in the Media: Seinfeld’s “The Comeback” has a great selection of Genesis games at Champagne Video


Spotting video games on TV’s greatest sitcom Seinfeld is nothing new. Longtime fans of series know all about the Frogger episode as well as Jerry’s video shelf which features NES and SNES games sat next to cinematic classics like “Child’s Play 2”. When it comes to SEGA on Seinfeld, however, you’re going to have to look a bit harder. In the eighth season episode “The Comeback”, which aired January 30th, 1997, one of the plots involved Elaine becoming infatuated with a mysterious video store employee Vincent. Meanwhile, Kramer was more interested in the Gene picks. Champagne Video, a recurring location in the series, was the go-to spot for Jerry, George, Kramer and Elaine when they needed to rent some VHS tapes. Throughout the series, the store evolved to feature what were at the time current videos, and in the episode “The Comeback” the set decorator took things one step further by littering the store with classic SEGA Genesis games.

On this installment of SEGA in the Media, we’re going to see how many SEGA Genesis games we can spot! Start browsing the shelves after the break.

SEGA in the Media: “The Lost World: Jurassic Park” doesn’t have SEGA

With the Jurassic Park trilogy releasing on blu-ray this week, I thought it would be a fitting time to highlight a nod to SEGA in the second film “The Lost World: Jurassic Park”. An actual SEGA console does not appear, but our beloved gaming company does get a mention in the dialogue. While preparing to leave for another island filled with dinosaurs, Ian Malcolm is trying to persuade his daughter to go and stay with a friend of his. Unfortunately, she doesn’t want to go for a number of reasons, but the main one is that the woman “doesn’t have SEGA”. To quote Muldoon from the first film: “Clever girl.” Interestingly, I did not find this line of dialogue in the film’s script, so it looks like it was something added on the day of shooting. Perhaps Spielberg wanted to infuse a real world issue a kid would have, and staying with somebody who doesn’t have a SEGA is a great reason to not want to go. Perhaps they should get the girl a Game Gear or a Nomad?

Hear the audio of the scene here, or listen below in the embedded player:

She Doesn’t Have Sega. She’s Such a Troglodyte

Speaking of SEGA and Jurassic Park, head on over to our forums to discuss the many Jurassic Park games found on SEGA consoles.