The Dreamroom Dreamcast Marathon returns on Tuesday 9/9 at 9am ET at SEGA Channel Retro


From 2009 to 2011 at The Dreamcast Junkyard, I hosted the Dreamroom – a SEGA Dreamcast marathon celebrating the console’s memorable American launch date. Since 2011, however, the Dreamroom remained locked. I knew I wanted to host another, but I was busy with work and my increasing duties at SEGAbits. Not to mention, I didn’t think aiming a webcam at the TV cut it as a live stream anymore.

This year, however, I’m excited to announce that the Dreamroom is reopening on 9/9 at 9am ET at the SEGA Channel Retro Twitch channel for a special 9 hour marathon of Dreamcast games streaming directly from the console! Yes, I’ve finally caught up with streaming technology.

Hope to see SEGAbits and DCJY readers new and old there as we celebrate 15 years of the SEGA Dreamcast!

Dreamroom 2010 Postgame Show

For those who missed the action yesterday, check out all ten hours of my stream available to view for another week as well as Gagaman’s stream which currently has his four hours of gameplay on loop.

Another year, another loop added to the Dreamcast’s swirl. As I stepped outside this morning, after a day of Dreamcast gaming, I realized that I hadn’t stepped outside the entire previous day! Still, it was all worth it and I’d gladly do it all again next year. In fact, I will do it all again next year! Until then, let’s reminisce on something that happened 24 hours ago…

Click here to read more

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The All Day Dreamcast Party Begins NOW! [party is over]

As this is a day that I’m sure will be filled with articles involving the Dreamcast, I’ll cut right to the chase: In celebration of 9/9, the Dreamcast’s 11th Birthday, both Gagaman of SEGA Memories fame and myself will be hosting back to back streaming Dreamcast parties! His is already in progress and will go right up to when my party begins, so check him out at the link below and then be sure to jump over to mine at 12am-11pm EST (US), 6pm-5am GMT (UK). Make sure to join in on the chat, because what is a party without that?

Dreamroom 2010 UK:

Watch live streaming video from gagaman at

Dreamroom 2010 USA:
Watch live video from Dreamroom on

My Eleven Hour Dreamcast Party

Last year I held a Dreamcast birthday party which streamed live online. As the Dreamcast was turning ten, I held the party for ten hours. This year, I’m doing one better: one hour better! I’m excited to share “Dreamroom 2010: The Eleven Hour Dreamcast Party”! The official date and times are as follows:

September 9th, 2010
12am-11pm EST (US), 6pm-5am GMT (UK)

Last year was a blast, and I’m sure this year will be just as fun. For those who missed last year’s Dreamroom, essentially it will be ten hours of Dreamcast gaming streamed live online with live chat. The first half will be me going solo playing Dreamcast games. During the second half the IRL party kicks off with whoever I invited showing up for multiplayer games and the occasional visit to Seaman.

Games will be played from my library, and requests are welcomed! Expect to see some of the best, worst and delightfully oddest Dreamcast games. Of course a Dreamcast birthday party isn’t a birthday party without the guests, so I hope to see everyone (virtually) there!

Bonus Stage’s 72 Hour Sonic Gaming Marathon

I love me a good ol’ fashioned gaming marathon, and I was excited to learn that an extremely long one involving the Sonic the Hedgehog series has been underway for 12 hours already! Held by the folks over at the Bonus Stage Marathons blog, their goal is to play all sorts of Sonic games for 72 hours in an effort to earn $1000 for the Baltimore Humane Society. As of writing this, they’re already 34% to their goal. The marathon continues through the 11th, so I’m sure they’ll make their money. Good luck to them!

Check them out on USTREAM, and save some kitties and puppies while you’re at it.