Atlus N64 classic Snowboard Kids gets an all new, official vinyl soundtrack

You thought there was snow way we’d talk about a Nintendo 64 game here on SegaBits, but being a part of Atlus history means this is now Sega history too. You shred that right.

Cult classic N64 racer Snowboard Kids (1998) has just come out with a new soundtrack on vinyl courtesy of Fangamer. Atlus West have revealed this new vinyl soundtrack on Twitter today, which is now on sale for $29 USD and has already begun shipping. This comes with 17 tracks from the original game on one record, all by original composers Tomohiko Sato and Isao Kawai, from original developer Racjin, formally known as Racdym.

There is also a special limited edition blue vinyl set being sold by Channel 3 Records, which is limited to only 300 copies, so act fast if you want that. That is, otherwise, the same soundtrack and is also available for $29 USD and already shipping.

Catch the ski lift to take you past the break for photos and links to order both versions of this vinyl soundtrack.