Gley Lancer & Gynoug Combo Pack available for pre-order from Limited Run Games

Limited Run Games are giving you the chance to own a combo pack of the Sega Genesis/Mega-Drive Masaya Games shoot-em-up classics Advanced Busterhawk Gley-Lancer (1992) and Gynoug (1991) on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch. These are the re-releases from Shinyuden and Ratalaika Games that came out on these consoles a few years ago, now collected together in physical form. Pre-orders start tomorrow, February 16th 2024, until March 17th 2024 and will cost $34.99 USD each.

These versions of both games play excellent, with special features such as button mapping, rewind, save states, some modernized control convenience options, and a surprisingly customizable CRT filter. In the case of Gley Lancer, which was originally only released in Japan, the game’s cutscenes have all their text translated to English. Beyond that, they are admittedly rather simple releases with not much else aside from the game, but they are fully playable and serve as an excellent and affordable way to play both classics.

For pre-order links, have a look past the break below.

SEGA Genesis STG Gynoug (Wings of Wor) Coming To Modern Consoles On November 12th

Gynoug (or Wings of Wor in North America) is officially receiving a re-release, courtesy of developer Ratalaika Games in conjunction with Masaya Games and Shinyuden. Originally released on the SEGA Genesis back in 1991, you play as the winged hero Wor, who is tasked with eradicating a hoard of mutated monsters that suddenly appeared in the land of Iccus, created by their leader Destroyer. Using a powerful set of spells collected from orbs, it’s up to you to clear six challenging stages from deep caverns to literally being in the belly of the beast to free the land of Iccus from this chaos.

Like Ratalaika Games past efforts, this re-release will included bonuses such as an advanced CRT filter and the option to rewind or use save states. Gyoung/Wings of Wor will be available on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Nintendo Switch on November 12th 2021 for only $6.99 or equivalent. As a fresh reminder, Ratalaika Games were also responsible for the recent releases of Gleylancer, Panorama Cotton, and Cotton 100%, so pick those up if you’re curious about their other efforts.