SEGA Talk #107: Segagaga (2001)

Strap in and get ready to save SEGA as we venture into the year 2025 and cover the Dreamcast Japanese exclusive Segagaga! We discuss the cameos, parodies and more!

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New Dreamcast documentary speaks with Masayoshi Kikuchi (Jet Set Radio), Tetsuya Mizuguchi (Rez), Rieko Kodama (Skies of Arcadia), and more

To celebrate the upcoming 20th year anniversary of the SEGA Dreamcast, the Japanese YouTube channel Archipel has decided to go talk to Japanese creators that worked on software for the Dreamcast. This is just the first part and the people they got from SEGA is pretty crazy:

Hiroshi Iuchi (Ikaruga), Kenji Kanno (Crazy Taxi), Masayoshi Kikuchi (Jet Set Radio), Rieko Kodama (Eternal Arcadia/Skies of Arcadia), Tetsuya Mizuguchi (Space Channel 5 / Rez), Tetsu Okano (Segagaga), Yoot Saito (Seaman), and Hiroaki Yotoriyama (Soulcalibur)!

Its nice to see some of these creators sit down and talk about their time working on the very iconic Dreamcast, pretty excited to see part two of this documentary series. If you haven’t seen Archipel’s content, you should totally check out other documentaries they have done.

Segagaga translation project hopes to finish translation job this year

I was following this project for awhile, all the way back when I started writing for SEGA Nerds. In a new interview with RacketBoy, the team states they are 1/3rds of the way done with raw translation. Yes, far ways off. But they said that they are picking up steam now and hope to finish translating before the year ends.

“We hope to have the text translated within the year. Unfortunately, the largest obstacles to a completed patch might lie beyond the realm of translation and wordsmithing. We still need assistance working through some coding problems that will create the localization patch.”

That is all well and dandy, but they will still need to come up with a way to patch the text into the game. The team wants you, the user to play the game the way it was intended, on the Dreamcast. They say they will most likely patch it into a back up.

I for one I’m excited about this and can’t wait to take down Dogma!

[Source: Racketboy]

Project Neptune = Segagaga spiritual successor?

[More of this please!]

Compile Heart’s new project is codenamed “Neptune”, which has a teaser on their site and one of those fancy countdown clocks we all learn to loath. Famitsu though, has revealed the full title of the game to be “Choujigen Game Neptune.”

Nothing out of the ordinary or to resemble Segagaga, but the game is an RPG, set in the virtual world of “Game Gyoukai”, which is Japanese for “Game Industry.” The main characters name is Neptune who must stop the evil plot of Goddess Magicon.

Yes, Neptune is based on the name for the SEGA console and SEGA is publishing the game (or handling the sales side of it, according to AndriaSang). Double whammy! It is also confirmed that the game will have cameos by SEGA characters, just like Segagaga. The game will also have mock characters for well known publishers like Capcom and Nippon Ichi.

Oddest part of the whole thing? It is a PS3 exclusive, seems like we have been corrupted by DOGMA! (Segagaga reference)

[Thanks: via Andriasang]