SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces Launch Day Patch Hides Super Sonic Transformation & Sanic Shirt

Welcome to another episode of the SEGA News Bits, this time around we are looking a bit deeper into Sonic Forces’ launch day patch. According to people who dug through the data, there is a Super Sonic transformation and Sanic shirt for the avatar hidden within the data. Will we ever get to play as Sonic Sonic and avatar in a Sanic shirt? Well, maybe.

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Sonic Forces launch patch includes infamous Sanic shirt and Super Sonic transformation

If you have picked up Sonic Forces and agreed with our review that the game is rather low on content, then no fear because SEGA has been hiding content via their day one patch. According to data miners, who shifted through the data in the launch patch, there will most likely be a special ‘Sanic’ shirt released and a Super Sonic transformation.

I’m a bit surprised that the launch patch included this data on it and it wasn’t at least teased by the marketing team. As of right now, SEGA nor the Sonic the Hedgehog have ever hinted at the possibility of future updates to the game.  I really hope that SEGA focuses some attention on polishing the game up via some updates and adds new content along the way.


[Source: Siliconera]

Sonic Forces Review – The Right Direction, Wrong Execution (PS4)

Sonic Forces is the latest main entry into the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise, which promises to take Sonic Generations game play ideas, add a custom character and an actual storyline. You’ve probably have heard mix opinions on Sonic Forces, so let me tell you what my honest opinion on the game is. Welcome to SEGAbits’ review for Sonic Forces on the PlayStation 4!


Sonic Forces digital comic showcases the “Rise of Infinite”


Sonic Forces releases today, and with it we have the fourth Sonic Forces web comic with art by Adam Bryce Thomas and writing by Ian Flynn. This issue focuses on Eggman and how he met Infinite. While I would usually classify this as a spoiler, from what I’ve heard of the Episode Shadow DLC and from reading this, you are likely better off consuming this and the DLC before playing the game, as this is where Infinite’s back story is covered. After the break, read the full digital comic!

SEGA releases new concept art on Sonic Forces release day

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Sonic Forces releases today and following yesterday’s early launch trailer we have some new concept art direct from SEGA. The art shows off Sonic and friends battling Eggman’s squad of villains, Sonic in prison, the avatar character on a mission, Eggman’s lab, and more! Check out the additional concept art after the break.

Remember you can still order the Sonic Forces Bonus Edition to receive SEGA and Atlus avatar costumes, controller skins and Episode Shadow: PlayStation 4 | Xbox One | Switch | PC

SEGA debuts Sonic Forces launch trailer in anticipation of tomorrow’s release

Sonic Forces releases tomorrow to PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and PC and via SEGA we have a launch trailer for the game. Narrated by Knuckles, the trailer lays out the storyline and introduces the heroes and villains. Also detailed is Episode Shadow, a side-story featuring our favorite edgy black hedgehog featuring new stages and the ability to play as Shadow in over 10 modern Sonic stages.

Order the Sonic Forces Bonus Edition and receive SEGA and Atlus avatar costumes, controller skins and Episode Shadow: PlayStation 4 | Xbox One | Switch | PC

SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces: Speed Battle Hands-On Impressions

The mobile tie-in game Sonic Forces: Speed Battle saw a wide release today, and after playing it for a few hours here are our hands-on impressions! How does it compare to games like Sonic Dash? Can fans expect any hints at what to expect in Sonic Forces? Give the latest SEGA News Bits video a watch and find out!

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SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces Demo Impressions (PS4 & Switch)

Just the other day Sonic Forces Japanese demo hit both PSN and Nintendo’s eShop, unsurprisingly today we get to talk about our thoughts on said demo. Today on the SEGA News Bits we discuss Sonic Forces demo including Modern Sonic gameplay, Classic Sonic Gameply, Avatar style gameplay and of course discuss the differences between the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch versions of the game. So listen in on the episode and let us know in the comments below what you thought of the Sonic Forces PSN & Switch demo.

If you enjoy our SEGA News Bits segments and want to support us: Give us a sub and give this video a like so it shows up on more like minded fans YouTube recommendations. You know, how that YouTube algorithm is.

Sonic Forces demo hits PS4 and Nintendo Switch’s Japanese stores


SEGA has released the Sonic Forces demo in Japan on both the PlayStation 4 and the Nintendo Switch. The demo will let you play through three separate stages, one for each playable version including Modern, classic Sonic and avatar hero. Each stage is on a timer.

As for both demos, the Nintendo Switch version is 573MB in size while the PlayStation 4 version comes in at 1.9GB in size. That’s quite the difference. Will you be making a Japanese account on either consoles to try out Sonic Forces? Or will you just wait for it to be released in English?

Japanese Sonic Forces “Introduction” trailer gives us our most comprehensive look yet at the upcoming game!

If you follow our SEGA News Bits videos, George and I have been quite critical of how little SEGA has been showing of Sonic Forces. The latest trailer to release from SEGA of Japan, however, abates this feeling some as in over three minutes we get a good look at the game. From the three playable characters to the Sonic and avatar combo mode to switching avatar characters on the fly to peeks at new stages and cutscenes, there is a lot to take in! Most notably, we get a good look at Modern Sonic’s Green Hill stage, with open spaces (exploration?) as well as an outer space stage.

What are your thoughts on the trailer? Sound off in the comments below!

SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces Hooters Japanese Promotional Event

Today on the SEGA News Bits we will be going all the way to Japan to look at the Sonic Forces x Hooters crossover promotional event that is going on right now! Well, maybe we won’t be going there in person but thanks to the power of the internet we can see what the Sonic Forces x Hooters crossover event has to offer. On this episode of the SEGA News Bits we look at the Sonic Forces Hooters event, talk chili dogs, and give our thoughts on the promotion. What do you think of Sonic Forces having a promotional event at Hooters? Let us know in the comments below.

If you enjoy our SEGA News Bits segments and want to support us: Give us a sub and give this video a like so it shows up on more like minded fans YouTube recommendations. You know, how that YouTube algorithm is.

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Knuckles and Silver team up in second Sonic Forces prequel comic, titled “Stress Test” – Read it now!


The Sonic Forces free digital prequel comics from Ian Flynn and Adam Bryce Thomas continue with the surprisingly enjoyable “Stress Test”. It seems our guesses were wrong, as each prequel comic is not focusing on a different custom hero. Instead we see Knuckles and Silver battling Chaos. What is so exciting about this one is all the Sonic Adventure plot elements, including a jump back in time to the echidna village and the appearance of Eggman and The Phantom Ruby, last seen in Sonic Mania. It’s exciting to see the various Sonic games tying together and hopefully some of these plot elements are referenced in Sonic Forces.

After the break, read the full issue!

SEGA News Bits: Sonic Forces Space Port Gameplay And Infinite Boss Battle Revealed

Sonic Forces comes out next month and SEGA is getting ready to let new information out of the bag. Earlier today they revealed the Space Port gameplay, Rental Avatar hero mode and even the first glimpse at a Infinite boss battle. On this episode of the SEGA News Bits we discuss all the new information, talk Sonic Forces‘ marketing and did Sonic Team referencing Rent-A-Hero? Let us know what you think of the ‘new’ Space Port gameplay, the Rental Avatar hero mode and of course the first look at Infinite in action in the comments below.

If you enjoy our SEGA News Bits segments and want to support us: Give us a sub and give this video a like so it shows up on more like minded fans YouTube recommendations. You know, how that YouTube algorithm is.

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Sonic Forces “Rental Avatar” hero mode, boss battle and Space Port gameplay footage released

New Sonic Forces details have been released today by way of gameplay footage, screens and a press release detailing the “Rental Avatar” Hero Swapping feature. The new mode – which may be a sly nod to the classic SEGA Mega Drive game Rent-A-Hero – allows players to swap out their hero avatar character with a hero avatar character created by another player, seemingly pulled at random from players worldwide. This allows you to see their unique designs and utilize their wispon weapon. This allows you to use your own selected wispon weapon and the one set by another player. You can see the “Rental Avatar” mode in the Infinite boss battle footage above.

Also released is B-roll gameplay footage of the hero avatar in the Space Port stage which takes place in the frigid north of Sonic’s world where a chemical plant is supplying a space port. You can see the footage, as well as Infinite boss battle screens, after the break.