from Gagaman of SEGA Memories

Instead of making a couple huge articles like last year, I’m going to be posting a bunch of shorter articles about last Saturday’s brilliant Summer of Sonic convention. Safe to say they really outdid themselves this year. To kick off, here’s what I brought back from there. A bit silly that I’m starting my coverage with the last photo I took but never mind!
So a bulk of it is from the goodie bag that was given away to the first few hundred entrants with tickets (people without tickets couldn’t even get in until an hour or two after it opened! Sucks to be them I guess :E). My girlfriend also got a ticket just before the registration ended because she wanted to tag along even though she’s not that big into Sonic (she enjoyed it though, so that’s a relief lol) and when we entered from the HUGE queue we got the last bag! However they did have hundreds more of the highlight of the bag; the Metal Sonic figure, to give away to people that entered (tickets or not I believe) right through till about 4pm. More after the jump..
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