Yakuza: Dead Souls trailer introduces you to the guys

SEGA has released a new trailer for the upcoming port of Yakuza: Dead Souls. This new trailer shows the players the playable characters and what they like. No voicing, just background music. I don’t know what kinds of budgets are used for trailers, but I can tell you this one is very low budget.

We already know most of the Yakuza: Dead Souls information, so I’m not really caring about the trailers. What I am looking forward to know is the western changes that were talked about.


Crush3D – Tutorial Trailer

Confused about how Crush3D works? Check out this Crush3D tutorial trailer.

If you didn’t already know, Crushed first released on the PSP in 2007, the critics raved about it but the game did not sell as well as it should have, which is sad because it’s such a great and unique game. I’m glad that Sega are giving it another chance and I think the 3DS is perfect for Crush3D because of the ‘crushing’ and ‘un-crushing’ nature of the game. Let’s hope that it can find better sales on the 3DS.

Shinobi 3DS – History of Shinobi Trailer

Here’s a Shinobi trailer where members of Sega of America, such as producer Stephen Frost, feel like they need to prove to us that their new Shinobi game is a ‘real’ Shinobi game. But in doing so, they kind of just remind everyone that it isn’t a real Shinobi game. At one point, Stephen says that they took what was great about the classic Shinobi games and made it better, and those are some pretty strong words.

Na- Just kidding! From what I’ve heard it’s- well- not terrible! Which is a real achievement for Sega of America who like to farm out our most beloved Sega classics to unknown developers that previously only made license games… I only hope that when Sega of America re-imagine the next Sega Classic they make sure it’s treated like a classic and not like Golden Axe: Beast Rider.

Sonic Generations Launch Trailer and a Rant…

Check out the Sonic Generations launch trailer, not long to wait now!
The game is generally scoring in the 8/10 region, which I think is well deserved.

Of course there is always one isn’t there? This time Tim Turi of Game Informer was the culprit. He took all but 4 minutes out of his life to write four paragraphs and call it a professional review. He gave Sonic Generations 6.75/10, I won’t provide a link to the ‘review’ because he decided to spoil the ending in it.

His reason for giving the game a mediocre rating? Apparently all post Dreamcast era levels ruin the game for him! Yep, somehow the aesthetic alone or perhaps simply knowing they are from post Dreamcast era has made the level design terrible. I suspect that Tim didn’t get the memo that they aren’t actually the SAME levels, they simply share the same aesthetic as the original levels.

Why would Sega pass up full level tributes to Sonic 3 or Sonic CD in favor of a remixed version of a stage from Sonic Colors, which released only a year ago?
Game Informer.

I’m actually convinced that some critics wouldn’t know what made a good Sonic game if it hit them in the face. Was the concept of celebrating 20 years of Sonic lost on this guy? And why pick Planet Wisp of all levels to take out his misguided anger on? One of the best Sonic Levels in recent memory… There used to be something very wrong with Sonic games, now there is something wrong with videogame critics. I can’t believe they get paid for this shit- what a Joke.

In contrast, GameTrailers’ review was fantastic, it not only highlighted the best parts of the game, it mentioned the real issues too and does so in a truly professional manor. My hat is off to you GameTrailers!

You can see it HERE

Shinobi 3DS – 12 Minutes of Gameplay

I’m still not convinced that this is the way I wanted Shinobi to return, considering how great Shinobi could be on a HD console. Still I am glad that it has returned! Whilst there are some design choices that I’m not a fan of (namely the combo scores that pop-up all over the screen instead of tidily in the corner) I think they’ve gotten a lot of things right and have captured a lot of what made Shinobi 3 such an awesome game.

Then there’s those graphics…

Rhythm Thief – New Trailer

This new trailer highlights some of the wacky rhythm based mini games you’ll be playing in Rhythm Thief. These include striking poses to hide from security guards, playing football in the streets of London and biting arses- as a dog.

Rhythm Heaven is exclusive to the Nintendo 3DS and is described as a blend of Professor Layton art and storytelling with the game play of Elite Beat Agents, sounds brilliant!

[Thanks SuzukiYu]

House of the Dead: OVERKILL: Extended Cut – Crossbow Trailer

Today we’re proud to present the Grindhouse Crossbow trailer for The House of the Dead: OVERKILL – Extended Cut! Narrated by Jackson J. Jackson, CEO of Jackson J. Jackson’s Crossbow Emporium, these impressively scoped, extremely explosive lightweight portable crossbows are a great way to take out the mutant menace overrunning Bayou City. You won’t find higher-quality weaponry anywhere else – Jackson J. Jackson guarantees it or double your money back!

House of the Dead: OVERKILL: Extended Cut is exclusive to PlayStation 3 and built with the Move controller in mind. It’ll be released on October 25th, can’t wait to ‘asplode some zombies with the crossbow!

vZ Eg T BRyr

Sonic Generations Modern Era Trailer

Following on from their recent trailer for the Dreamcast era, SEGA has released the trailer for the modern era, three of the most recent console titles in the series. Featured in the trailer are stages Crisis City, Rooftop Run and Planet Wisp and showcasing both modern and classic Sonic as the blast through the various stages at high speed and platforming.

With Sonic Generations less than a month away, this could be one of the final trailers, if not the final trailer, SEGA releases to promote the game. Sonic Generation is set to release 1st November in North America and 4th November in Europe.

New Shinobi 3DS trailer confirms unlockable Joe Musashi

For those of you who where disappointed that Shinobi 3DS didn’t star the awesome Joe Musashi, don’t fear, he is unlockable. He was also unlockable in the PS2 game called Shinobi as well.

Weird? They say Joe Musashi came before the hero in Shinobi 3DS, but the hero in this game is supposed to be Joe’s father, no?

Total War: Shogun 2 – Rise of the Samurai Trailer

Total War: Shogun 2 will be getting its first major expansion soon, titled ‘Rise of the Samurai’.

“In the “Rise of the Samurai” campaign, players take on a brand new and independent campaign for Total War: SHOGUN 2 set in 12th century Japan. Set 400 years before the dramatic civil war depicted in Total War: SHOGUN 2, the “Rise of The Samurai” campaign is based on the Gempei War, a conflict between six legendary clans of the Taira, Minamoto and Fujiwara families. It culminated in the first Shogunate, and the rise of the Samurai as the ruling class.”

Guardian Heroes – Japanese Trailer

Check this out, Sega Japan has released a new trailer for Guardian Heroes and it’s looking bloody good! If this doesn’t fill you with warm bubbly nostalgia I don’t know what will. From the cheesy music to the bright, bold graphics this reminds me of a better, simpler time for gaming.

Guardian Heroes will be released on October 12th exclusively for XBLA and will cost you $10.

New Shinobi 3DS Trailer: Evil Rises

Check out this new footage from the upcoming Shinobi title. I have to say, not a bad trailer. Visually it definitely leans more on the level of the DS than the 3DS: a wasted opportunity to do something special with the franchise revival from a graphics standpoint. That said, I can’t deny that it features a pretty cool art style with what looks like some stylish story sequences.

Shinobi 3DS will be available in November exclusively for Nintendo’s 3D handheld.

Rise of Nightmares – Controls Trailer

Yet another quirky trailer for Rise of Nightmares, Sega’s zombie-slaying Kinect exclusive, has hit the net. The trailer highlights the unique control scheme and shows how much people are enjoying it, (or not).

Rise of Nightmares releases this month (September 2011) exclusively for Kinect. Who’s getting it!?