SEGA Talk #160: Yakuza 3 (2009)

We talk about Yakuza 3! Okinawa, conspiracies, and Kiryu’s toughest fight yet! We’re breaking down the box art, the writer change, and the wild story: yakuza, CIA, and an orphanage under attack. Combat’s revamped, mini-games galore, and we’re tackling the controversial cuts. Was Yakuza 3 a hit or a miss? All this and more on, SEGA TALK!

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SEGA Talk #157: Sonic and the Black Knight (2009)

On this SEGA Talk, Barry and George throw on some armor and grab some talking swords as they waggle their way through the second Storybook Wii exclusive Sonic and the Black Knight! How does this game compare to Secret Rings? What connections does the game have with Sonic Adventure 2? Is it worth a revisit? Find out on this sword swinging episode of SEGA Talk!

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SEGA Talk #147: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (2006/2017)

On this episode of SEGA Talk we look at Yakuza 2 and its remake Kiwami 2 as we look at the highly rated sequel to one of SEGA’s longest running franchises. What did the sequel do different? What did the remake add and what did it remove? Find out this and more on SEGA … TALK!!

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SEGA Talk #146: Shenmue Online & Shenmue City (2004-2011)

On this SEGA Talk we take a look at two Shenmue games you most likely never played: Shenmue Online and Shenmue City. We take a look at one unreleased MMO and a mobile game that never made it out of beta.

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SEGA Talk #145: Gaming Memories

SEGA Talk takes a detour! This episode we’re trading our blue blur for a trip down memory lane. Join us as we reminisce about our gaming days and explore some non-SEGA classics. Of course, there is still plenty of SEGA games that make it in!

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Interview: “Like a Dragon: Yakuza” Actors Ryoma Takeuchi & Kento Kaku, Executive Producer Erik Barmack

Thanks to the production team of the upcoming streaming series Like a Dragon: Yakuza and Prime Video, SEGAbits was given the opportunity to interview Series Lead Ryoma Takeuchi and Co-Star Kento Kaku, and series Executive Producer Erik Barmack.

In a round table setting, joined by fellow video game fan sites, we asked the creative team about how the project began and the challenges of portraying characters like Kazuma Kiryu (played by Ryoma Takeuchi) and Akira Nishikiyama (played by Kento Kaku). You can see their answers to our questions after the break or watch our video interview above, and stay tuned to SEGAbits for more coverage of the series as we near the October 24th release date on Prime Video!

SEGA Talk #138: Power Drift (1988)

Welcome to the SEGA Talk Podcast, where we dive into SEGA’s golden age of gaming and bring you the classics that defined a generation. Today, we’re shifting gears and taking a high-speed trip down memory lane with SEGA’s iconic arcade racer, Power Drift. Released in the late 80s, this game took the racing genre to new heights with its innovative 3D-like graphics and adrenaline-pumping gameplay. So buckle up, grab your tokens, and let’s power slide through the history, the hype, and the high scores of this SEGA masterpiece.

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SEGA Talk Podcast #133: SegaSonic The Hedgehog (1993)

Let’s spin that trackball as we join franchise star Sonic the Hedgehog and newcomers Ray and Mighty as they try to escape Eggman’s fortress. We take this wild trip down memory lane looking at this obscure Sonic arcade game!

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SEGA News Bits Live: Christmas Blast – Past, Present & Future SEGA

On this Christmas day SEGA News Bits Live, Barry looks back on SEGA Christmas past, present and future! What was the worst video game gift you received? What was under the SEGAbits tree this year? Who is behind the upcoming SEGA revivals? Click play and find out!

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SEGA Talk #129: Unreleased Dreamcast Games Pt. 2 (1999-2002)

We end our epic finally of ranking each unreleased Dreamcast games. This second part will cover big SEGA games like Shenmue III, Scud Racer, Toejam & Earl 3, and of course Propeller Arena. Check out the epic finale!

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SEGA News Bits Live: Samba De Amigo & Sonic Cookbook

Amigo is BACK in a brand new game, and on this News Bits Live we break down who is behind Samba De Amigo’s return and take a look at past games in the franchise. PLUS, what is Sonic cooking?

If you want to support this type of content, you can check out our Patreon!

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SEGA Talk #113: Sonic Triple Trouble (1994)

On this SEGA Talk we dip back into the world of Classic Sonic with the portable classic Sonic the Hedgehog Triple Trouble! We look at this Game Gear exclusive and the creation of Fang… or is it Nack?

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SEGA Talk #108: Sword of the Berserk: Guts’ Rage (1999)

Grab your six foot sword, drab yourself in black and get ready to slay demons as we dive into Sword of the Berserk: Guts’ Rage on Dreamcast! We dive into the manga that started it all, look at the world and go Berserk on this episode of SEGA TALK!

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If you want to give us feedback, suggest a topic for the next podcast or want to ask a question for us to answer on the next episode you can add  them as a comment below or send theme directly to our email. Make sure you use subject line ‘SEGA Talk’ and as always, thanks for listening!

SEGA Talk Podcast #98: Rise of the Dragon (1990)

On this SEGA Talk, we pop Rise of the Dragon into our SEGA CD and give it a spin. Is this cyberpunk adventure a hidden gem or a poor man’s Snatcher? How does the SEGA CD version compare to the DOS original? And what’s the background on developer Dynamix? Let’s find out!

Support us on Patreon! Get early access, tell us what games to cover, and have your SEGA memories read at the end and more!

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If you want to give us feedback, suggest a topic for the next podcast or want to ask a question for us to answer on the next episode you can add  them as a comment below or send theme directly to our email. Make sure you use subject line ‘SEGA Talk’ and as always, thanks for listening!

The SEGAbits Swingin’ Report Show LIVE: Sonic Movie Novelization Writer Kiel Phegley

Sonic has returned to theaters in Sonic the Hedgehog 2, and Kiel Phegley is returning to the Swingin’ Report Show to talk about all he has been up to in the world of Sonic books since we last spoke! We’ll talk about how Kiel became the go-to Sonic movie novelization writer, the process of creating a novelization for both Sonic movies, and his work with IDW on the prequel comic for Sonic the Hedgehog 2.

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