Viking: Battle for Asgard, Gunstar Heroes and Renegade Ops are free on Steam

phase-3-unlockedSEGA continues their Make War Not Love event by giving another three games away for free. This is their third phase of free games. This time they are giving away the following titles:

  • Viking: Battle for Asgard
  • Gunstar Heroes
  • Renegade Ops (plus DLC)

To get the games, visit this page, click “REDEEM PRIZE” enter your email address under the Previous Content banner. You’ll see the instructions “In order to redeem the prize bundle, please enter your email address below.” You will then receive an email asking to add you to a list for the free content. Please allow up to 24 hours for a unique Steam code containing this content to be sent to you. Gunstar Heroes will appear in your library as ‘Sega Classics Collection’.

Total War takes over Humble Weekly Bundle

June 21st, 2010 @ 13:31:54
It seems that SEGA and The Creative Assembly are offering their titles once again as bundles on the popular ‘pay for what you want’ model of Humble Bundle. Not only that, you can set how much money goes to the publisher (SEGA), Humble Bundle and how much is given to charities. This bundle is supporting Special Effect: The Gamer’s Charity, Willow, Walking with the Wounded, and BLES.

Pay what you want (at least $1) you get: 

  • Medieval II: Total War Collection 
  • Viking: Battle for Asgard
  • Shogun: Total War Collection
  • Total War: Rome OST
  • Total War: WARHAMMER Illustrated Campaign Map
  • Total War: ARENA 30 Days Premium Account
  • Total War Battles: Kingdom
  • Total War eBooks

Green Man Gaming summer sale: Buy a discounted SEGA game and get Jet Set Radio HD for free

Its summer and those PC sales aren’t slowing down. This time the sale is coming from Green Man Gaming which is discounting tons of SEGA games up to 80% off! Not only that, if you buy any SEGA game on this page, you get Jet Set Radio HD for free. Some of the on sale items to check out:

  • Castle of Illusions – $3.74
  • Binary Domain Collection – $3.99
  • Alpha Protocol – $3.74
  • Viking: Battle for Asgard – $3.74
  • Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed – $4.99

So check out the page and pick your poison, there are plenty of great PC games on sale. Most of these games redeem via Steam!

SEGA digital deals roaming around the internet [submit yours]

Hey, its that time of year where websites are slashing prices on goods, especially digital goods to earn some of your hard earned cash. You probably heard of the November holiday. Thanks what? No, I’m talking about Black Friday and Cyber Monday. We American’s rather have bargains than being grateful. Getting on with the savings, here is a short list of digital SEGA goods you can buy right now. If I left stuff out, submit it via the comments. Happy shopping.

Viking: Battle for Asgard hits PC next week

Viking: Battle for Asgard was one of my favorite games when it came out back int 2008 on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. Now PC users will be able to fight the hoards of undead vikings on their uber powerful PC.
SEGA’s Hardlight Studio dropped a tweet stating that you can expect the game to hit Steam next week. So who is going to pick this one up? Even if it is 4 years too late.