In a published interview about why SEGA is reviving their classic IPs across media with Executive Vice President Head of Global Transmedia Group SEGA, Justin Scarpone, with Video Game Chronicle, he was asked how challenging it would be for SEGA to revive their IPs that are nearly 30 years old to resonate with a modern audience.
He responded that the IPs would need to be reinvented with persistent slate plan, marketing initiatives, product, and more transmedia. Scarpone would also confirm that numerous SEGA Legacy IPs are currently in development, including Virtua Fighter. Here is a snippet of the interview:
“So we have a suite of titles in development right now that fall into that legacy bucket, which we announced last year at The Game Awards; Crazy Taxi, Jet Set Radio, Streets of Rage, Shinobi, and we have another Virtua Fighter being developed. And so all that’s very exciting. And then in certain instances, we’re also doing animation series, or live-action films to augment that and be part of those roadmaps.” – Justin Scarpone, Executive Vice President Head of Global Transmedia Group SEGA
It’s been sometime since we seen a new Virtua Fighter title (with the exception of VF5: Ultimate Showdown). Are you all excited to see a new Virtua Fighter game in the works? Let us know in the comments below!